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How many slaves did Edward Rutledge own?

How many slaves did Edward Rutledge own?

50 slaves
It wasn’t long before Rutledge was one of the leading citizens in Charleston, and owned quite a bit of land and almost 50 slaves.

Who is the youngest signer of the Declaration of Independence?

Edward Rutledge
About the signers Two 26-year-olds from South Carolina were the youngest to sign the Declaration of Independence (Thomas Lynch Jr., and Edward Rutledge). Benjamin Franklin, 70, was the oldest. Eight of the men were born in the British Isles.

Who are the famous members of the Rutledge family?

The Temple was a prominent source for teaching law to many famous South Carolinians including Edward’s uncle Andrew Rutledge, Edward’s brothers John and Hugh, Arthur Middleton, Thomas Lynch, Jr., Thomas Heyward, Jr. and several members of the Pinckney family. Rutledge returned to Charleston in 1773 to practice law.

Where was Edward g.rutledge born and raised?

EDWARD RUTLEDGE was born in Charleston, South Carolina on November 23, 1749. He was the youngest of the seven children of Dr. John Rutledge who came to South Carolina from the north of Ireland about 1735.

What did Edward g.rutledge do after the war?

Along with his brother-in-law Arthur Middleton, Rutledge was captured when Charleston fell and was imprisoned in St. Augustine. After the war Rutledge was active in the legislature and in state conventions. In his home country he had always been thought a genial and charming gentleman, and no doubt he mellowed with the years.

Who was Henrietta Rutledge’s great-grandfather Edward Middleton?

Henrietta’s great-grandfather was Edward Middleton, who was born in 1620 and came to the Barbados in 1635 on the Dorsetand settled in South Carolina in 1678. He was Lord Proprietor’s deputy, assistant justice, and a member of the Grand Council from 1678 to 1684.