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How many verses are in the Catholic Bible?

How many verses are in the Catholic Bible?

So in 1551, Robert Estienne came up with the idea of numbering verses. There are 31,102 of them, and the shortest one is John 11:35 “Jesus wept,” while the longest is in the book of Esther and consists of 78 words.

How many verses are in the book of Proverbs?

There are 915 verses in Proverbs, which is a book located in the Old Testament of the Bible.

How many verses are in the Gospel of John?

51 verses
Analysis. The first chapter of the Gospel of John has 51 verses and may be divided in three parts: The Prologue or Hymn to the Word (verses 1-18) The testimony of John the Baptist (verses 19–34)

How many chapters are in the Gospel of Luke?

24 chapters
The Gospel of Luke has 24 chapters. Luke is the namesake of the man who wrote it, and it is his testimony to the life, death and resurrection of…

How many verses are there in Psalms?

2,461 verses
The Book of Psalms is divided into 150 chapters which contain a total of 2,461 verses.

How many total chapters in the Bible?

In total, the Bible is composed of 1,189 chapters, divided between the Old Testament and the New Testament. In turn, these chapters are formed by verses.

What are the names of the chapters in the Bible?

Genesis 50

  • Exodus 40
  • Leviticus 27
  • Numbers 36
  • Deuteronomy 34
  • Joshua 24
  • Judges 21
  • Rut 4
  • 1 Samuel 31
  • 2 Samuel 24
  • How many words in each book of the Bible?

    Not too many people know that there are 774,746 total words in the holy book called The Bible. The main idea is that the Old Testament has 593,493 words and the New Testament has 181,253 words. It is important to know that the Bible contains 66 books, divided among the Old and New Testaments.

    How many verses are in the Book of Psalms?

    Its 176 verses are divided into 22 stanzas, one for each of character of the Hebrew alphabet . Each of the eight verses of a stanza begins with the same Hebrew letter. The five books in the Book of Psalms are comprised of Psalms 1 – 41, 42 – 72, 73 – 89, 90 – 106, and 107 – 150.