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How many zeeks Pizza locations are there?

How many zeeks Pizza locations are there?

There are now 33 states and counting that allow beer and wine delivery. The business is exploding. We have been at the forefront from the beginning and our tech driven service is as good as it gets. It’s more difficult to make incredible pizza than lame pizza, that’s why the world is awash in the bad stuff.

Is zeeks pizza a chain?

Zeeks Pizza, a popular restaurant chain with 19 Western Washington locations, withheld wages, tips and other money owed to delivery drivers, according to a proposed class-action lawsuit filed Monday.

Who owns zeeks pizza?

Did you know that Zeeks co-founder Doug McClure used to deliver pizza from the Dravus Street location on a skateboard?

Does zeeks do by the slice?

I like that Zeek’s sells a selection of four different pizzas, by the slice, until 4 pm. Depending on the toppings, slices are priced between $3 and $4 each. They are large, with thick dough, so one slice can be filling.

How many people does an 18 pizza feed?

An 18″ inch Pizza is normally cut into 6 or 12 slices and serves 6-7 people.

How many calories are in a slice of zeeks pizza?

Personalized health review for User added: Zeek’s pizza: 385 calories, nutrition grade (N/A), problematic ingredients, and more.

Is it rude not to tip the pizza guy?

While a tip is technically not obligatory, not leaving a tip for the delivery person is rude. So, if you don’t want to leave a tip, order the food for pickup instead.

How many adults does a 16 pizza feed?

A Large 14″ inch Pizza is normally cut into 8 or 10 slices and serves 3-5 people. An Extra Large 16″ inch Pizza is normally cut into 6 or 12 slices and serves 5-6 people.

How much pizza do I need for 15 adults?

15 People = 6 Pizzas.

Does zeeks pizza have vegan?

Zeeks was a forerunner of many trends that have become buzzwords today. There’s also something for everyone at Zeeks Pizza, so whether you’re a meat lover or a vegan, we take pride in making everyone feel welcome. The team at Zeeks also makes it a point to pair these fresh meals with great drinks.