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How much does the Y cost?

How much does the Y cost?

Membership Rates

Member Type Joiner Fee Dues
Young Adult $30 $33 Monthly
Adult $50 $44 Monthly
Two Adults $95 $64 Monthly
Family $95 $72 Monthly

Is Virtual Y free?

Virtual Y offers you free access to exclusive fitness videos, nutritious recipes, wellbeing advice, family activities and our Youth Hub. Join our online community by signing in below or registering. To access our online platform, you’ll need to register a free account.

How do you join the Y?

Become a Member You can now join online at select The Y centres. Simply select the YMCA centre you’d like to join from the list below, then follow the steps to complete the sign up process online.

Do you get free membership if you work at the YMCA?

Employees receive a free YMCA membership and discounts on programs.

What do YMCA employees wear?

At the YMCA facility or during any program, the employees have to wear the YMCA staff shirts and khaki, black or navy shorts, skirts, or pants. Appropriate footwear according to the occasion. Except for the maintenance staff, blue jean pants, skirts, or shorts are not considered proper.

Are Y memberships universal?

With Nationwide Membership, members can visit any participating Y in the United States and Puerto Rico through membership at their home Y, at no additional cost. Nationwide Membership is an essential part of our cause to strengthen communities.

Do gym employees get free membership?

Free Membership: Most gyms offer their employees a free membership, and that sometimes extends to immediate family members as well. Organizations like municipal rec centers and the YMCA even have employee discounts for swimming lessons and other amenities.

What should I wear to a YMCA interview?

So, dress casual, business casual with khakis, but it’s pretty much just a handwritten interview. YMCA Instructor: They wanted to know if I had swimming experience, experience with kids, and volunteer experience. YMCA Instructor: Pretty much, go to your local facility and ask what positions they have available.

Can I go to any Y with a membership?

How much money does it cost to get into the YMCA?

According to the YMCA, you can expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $150 depending on if you are an adult, single-parent family or a family. The monthly fee, after paying the initial joining fee, can cost you $50 to $81.

How much does a YCMA prepaid membership cost?

Again, YCMA’s prices will vary depending on age and how many are signing up, with more money to be saved with group memberships. Forth youths (12 and under) it is $60, teens (13-18) is $180 and young adults (19-24) can get a prepaid membership for only $222.

Is the Y more than just a gym?

The Y is more than a gym. We’re the leading nonprofit committed to strengthening our Festus community. We are proud to serve this great community through programs and services that focus on Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility.

How much does it cost to be a young living member?

The key difference is that as a member you will save 24% on ALL Young Living purchases in the future. So let’s say you’re interested in purchasing a bottle of lavender essential oil in your next order. At retail pricing, you’re paying $31.91, but as a member you’re only paying $24.25 (24% off). So what’s “the catch” you say?