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How was life different in the West?

How was life different in the West?

Life in the west was different from the life in the east because of people’s culture,behavior and actions. Explanation: The difference between the westerners and the people living in the east is mainly the social, cultural and behavioral attitude. Westerners feel less complicated about the life and its rules.

How was life different in the West compared to life in the East?

The major difference between eastern and western culture is that people in the east are more conservative and traditional than the general population in the west.

How are Eastern and western culture similar?

Eastern and Western cultures resemble each other in some notable aspects. The first similarity is the adherence to religious beliefs. Both civilizations shape their lives according to their religious beliefs. Another similarity between two civilizations is the way they communicate.

Why are the west and east so different?

The West and the Eastern civilizations are not only different because of where they are, but also because of their social class system, their ways of making money, and leadership styles. They both shaped the social hierarchy and the overall life of the common person in the East.

What is the culture like in the West?

Western culture is characterized by a host of artistic, philosophic, literary, and legal themes and traditions; the heritage of Celtic, Germanic, Hellenic, Jewish, Slavic, Latin, and other ethnic and linguistic groups, as well as Christianity, which played an important part in the shaping of Western civilization since …

How was life in the West different from life in the east in the early 1800?

Much of the West had a drier climate than that of the East, and western terrain often proved much harsher. As a result, immigrants to the West had to adapt and find new ways of doing things to survive. Their efforts were aided by improvements in transportation, communication, farm equipment, and other areas.

How was life in the West different from life in the East in the early 1800s quizlet?

How was life in the West different from life in the East? Life in the West did not have any of the conveniences of Eastern town life. They wanted to make new lives for themselves and their families.

How East and West think in profoundly different ways summary?

Thus one major difference is that the west is heavily individualistic while the east is a much more collectivist society. Westerners tend to value success and self-improvement whereas easterners focus more on group achievements.

How Indian culture is different from Western culture?

Key Differences Between Indian Culture and Western Culture Indian Culture has a variety of religions like Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, etc. while in Western Culture the people mostly belong to Christianity. In Indian Culture, joint families are common, however nuclear families are also there.

What’s the difference between East and West culture?

The major difference between eastern and western culture is that people in the east are more conservative and traditional than the general population in the west. Let’s have a clear view on the difference between east and west in terms of culture…

What’s the life like on the west coast?

There are also hot-spots for modern technology, including Silicon Valley in Northern California and companies like Boeing and Microsoft who make their home in the Pacific Northwest. Life on the West Coast is generally more laid-back, with a ‘live-and-let-live’ attitude.

How is the Western world different from the Eastern world?

Differences are also clearly seen in the Eastern and Western ways in dealing with education. Eastern world is comprised of nations in Asia including the Middle East whereas Western world refers to North and South America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

What was the difference between the south and the west coast?

The historical differences between the South and other parts of the United States were so pronounced (including social tensions, economic tensions, and slavery in particular), that they led to the American Civil War. The West Coast of the United States is another distinctive region.