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How was Stanley treated in school?

How was Stanley treated in school?

Stanley wasn’t treated nicely at his school because he was overweight, and teachers and students made cruel comments and picked on him. His teacher also embarrassed him by weighing him and the skinniest kid in class. They should judge what he had on the inside, not on the outside.

What embarrassing thing happened to Stanley at school?

Stanley was falsely accused of stealing a pair of sneakers, and the judge told him that he had to pick between jail or Camp Green Lake.

How has Stanley changed over the course of the story?

After digging his first hole, Stanley starts changing in other ways too. This accomplishment teaches Stanley to depend on himself for survival and see life differently as well as to do things by himself. It helps him start to grow up and become a young man. Stanley also finds friendship at Camp Green Lake.

What kindness does Mr Pendanski show Stanley?

Mr. Pendanski is the Tent D counselor. Pendanski is by far the kindest; he gives Stanley extra water when he realizes Mr. Sir is depriving Stanley and even offers to give Stanley a ride back to camp after his first day digging.

What is an example of embarrassment?

Embarrassment is defined as a feeling of humiliation or shame, or a person or thing causing you to feel ashamed, or an abundance. When you trip and a room full of people all start to laugh, this is an example of when you feel embarrassment. The state of being embarrassed. My face turned red with embarrassment.

How might Stanley and Zero’s relationship change Stanley’s family’s luck?

How might Stanley and Zero’s relationship change Stanley’s family’s luck? The day after Stanley carries Zero up the mountain, his father’s luck changes. Stanley’s act of carrying Zero up the mountain may have broken the curse.

What does Stanley learn about Zero’s childhood and life?

Stanley learns that Zero is the great-great-great-grandson of Madame Zeroni, who put a curse on the Yelnatses. Beyond Madame Zeroni, much of Zero’s family is a mystery. His mother left him in a park and promised to return, but sadly she never did.

What does Stanley say in holes?

“I can’t leave Hector,” Stanley said. In one of the final chapters of the novel, Stanley demonstrates his full transformation as he stands up for his friend. As he prepares to leave Camp Green Lake, Stanley refuses to leave Zero, whom he identifies by his real name, Hector.