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How were children viewed in the colonial period?

How were children viewed in the colonial period?

Colonial children were viewed as miniature adults; and boys and girls were dressed alike until the age of 7. The infant1,7 wore a long linen smock; was covered with a woolen blanket; and a wooden or wicker cradle, hooded to protect from cold draughts, much like those in which Indian babies slept, was its bed.

What were children’s roles in colonial society?

Boys and girls had some chores in common, such as planting and harvesting. However, girls also performed a number of other chores such as sewing, weaving, making soap, preparing food and taking care of younger siblings.

What were families like in the colonial times?

Colonial families often had several children and sometimes had aunts, uncles and grandparents living together. Colonist’s time was mainly spent doing work. The females both young and old did household chores, including cooking, cleaning, milking cows and mending clothes.

What did colonial children have to do?

Many poorer children did not go to school. They learned to farm, hunt, cook, and sew from their families. Even though colonial kids worked hard, they still found time for outdoor fun, like swimming, fishing, and flying kites.

What was childhood like in Colonial times?

Even with all the work they did, colonial children still found time to have fun. They cared for their pets, played with dolls, shot marbles, pitched pennies, and went fishing. They also played tag, stickball, and blindman’s buff. By the time they had reached age 14, most children were already considered adults.

How many children did people have in colonial times?

Because colonial woman married around the age of twenty, they would often have about seven to ten children. It was not uncommon for women to have more than twelve. Many children didn’t survive until adulthood, though.

How many children did colonial families have?

With most Colonial women marrying around the age of 20, they would often have about seven to 10 children. Many children, however, did not survive until adulthood — or even to toddlerhood. One in 10 infants died before they were a year old, and four in 10 children died before the age of six.

What was life like for a colonial child?

The colonists, who settled in the New World beginning in the early 1600s, had hard lives. The lives of colonial children were also difficult. They had to follow strict rules and do a lot of work around the home. Even babies had a job to do!

What did colonial teenagers do?

After finishing their formal education, many took apprenticeships as clerks in merchant offices or law offices, or they returned home to follow their fathers’ profession. Only young men were allowed to pursue higher education.

What did children do in colonial South Carolina?

Boys learned to be farmers, how to manage livestock, and how to build structures to store their harvests and protect their livestock. Or, they learned the merchant skills of their fathers. Girls learned to make clothing, how to cook, and how to preserve the products of their family’s harvests.

What role did the mother play in the Colonial family?

The role of mothers in colonial families varied based on the family’s wealth. For poorer and rural families, mothers played a large role in raising the children and completing the basic chores of the household, such as cooking, cleaning and doing the laundry.