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How would you describe Athenian democracy?

How would you describe Athenian democracy?

Greek democracy created at Athens was direct, rather than representative: any adult male citizen over the age of 20 could take part, and it was a duty to do so. The officials of the democracy were in part elected by the Assembly and in large part chosen by lottery in a process called sortition.

Which describes how Cleisthenes reformed Athenian democracy?

Which describes how Cleisthenes reformed Athenian democracy? Council members were chosen randomly, and men could present laws for debate in assembly.

What was Cleisthenes role in the development of democracy?

Cleisthenes successfully allied himself with the popular Assembly against the nobles (508) and imposed democratic reform. Perhaps his most important innovation was the basing of individual political responsibility on citizenship of a place rather than on membership in a clan.

What democratic body did Cleisthenes create?

of Athens
Cleisthenes’ Democratic Reforms 508 BCE was to reorganize the citizen body of Athens. Traditional classifications and kin groups such as the four Ionian tribes were replaced in significance by a new classification where each member of the citizen body (demos) was to belong to one of 139 local units or demoi (demes).

Why was the Athenian democracy created?

The first known democracy in the world was in Athens. Athenian democracy developed around the fifth century B.C.E. When a new law was proposed, all the citizens of Athens had the opportunity to vote on it. To vote, citizens had to attend the assembly on the day the vote took place.

How was democracy created?

In the year 507 B.C., the Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced a system of political reforms that he called demokratia, or “rule by the people” (from demos, “the people,” and kratos, or “power”). It was the first known democracy in the world.

Why is Cleisthenes the father of democracy?

Cleisthenes was an ancient Athenian lawgiver credited with reforming the constitution of ancient Athens and setting it on a democratic footing in 508 BC. For these accomplishments, historians refer to him as “the father of Athenian democracy.” He was a member of the aristocratic Alcmaeonid clan.

How did Solon and Cleisthenes impact democracy?

Solon laid the basis for democracy through eliminating debt slavery. He also probably established the Council of 400. Cleisthenes, an Alcmaeonid like Pericles, furthered democracy first by ousting the Pisistratid tyrant Hippias (with Sparta’s help), and more so by a series of reforms.

Why was ostracism introduced by Cleisthenes?

Through Cleisthenes’ reforms, the people of Athens endowed their city with isonomic institutions—equal rights for all citizens (though only free men were citizens)—and established ostracism as a punishment.

Who was known as the father of Athenian democracy?

Modern bust of Cleisthenes, known as “the father of Athenian democracy”, on view at the Ohio Statehouse, Columbus, Ohio. Cleisthenes (/ˈklaɪsθɪˌniːz/; Greek: Κλεισθένης, Kleisthénēs) was an ancient Athenian lawgiver credited with reforming the constitution of ancient Athens and setting it on a democratic footing in 508 BCE.

Why did the aristocrats want to crush democracy in Athens?

Therefore, in 506, the Aristocrats seek help from Sparta and invaded Greek, hoping to crush the democracy in Athens; yet, they faced failure and forced to retreat as the new democracy systems brought more uniformity between Athenians and made it a much stronger nation.

How did the assembly work in ancient Greece?

The assembly was openly available for all men from all classes of the civilians. Once in a few months, the civilians would gather at Athens to decide the important matter. The first 6000 or 8000 men to arrive would vote on the matter related to governing, military purpose, and general right the citizen had.

Who was the leader of Athens during the tyranny?

After the end of the tyranny, two groups would rise and go toe to toe for control and to reshape the government of Athens. One was led by Isagoras, whom Aristotle refers to as a “friend of the tyrants” and the other was led by Cleisthenes.