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How would you use the natural resources wisely?

How would you use the natural resources wisely?

There are several ways to conserve natural resources in your very own home, such as:

  1. Use less water.
  2. Turn off the lights.
  3. Use renewable energy.
  4. Recycle.
  5. Compost.
  6. Choose reusable goods.
  7. Manage your thermostat.
  8. Thrift shop.

Why should natural resources be taken care of?

Conservation is the practice of caring for these resources so all living things can benefit from them now and in the future. All the things we need to survive, such as food, water, air, and shelter, come from natural resources. Some of these resources, like small plants, can be replaced quickly after they are used.

Why should we use natural resources properly and judicially explain your views?

Answer: Explanation: Natural resources are resources which are found in nature. Hence it is necessary to conserve and use natural resources which are limited in nature, judicially in order to meet the ever growing demand of the population as well as the future generations. Hope this helps.

Why should we use resources properly and judiciously?

The indiscriminate use of natural resources like coal , petrol degrades our environment causing water, air pollution and green house effect. We need to make use of natural resource judiciously because if proper care not taken before, then they might get depleted and future generations might get deprived of it.

What is the importance of resources in our life?

Resources are important for us as we utilise them to satisfy our wants. Many minerals like iron, copper, mica etc. are used in industries for manufacturing various goods. Minerals like coal and petroleum are used for the generation of electricity.

Why should we use natural resources judiciously give examples?

Resources include food, water, basic amenities, electricity etc. Moreover, the resources are very limited as all resources are not renewable. Also, the population is growing at an exponential rate. So, to cater the needs of growing population and future generations, resources should be used judiciously by us.

Why is human resource said to be the most important resource?

Human beings are considered as an important resource because they make the best use of the nature to create more resources. They can do this as they have the knowledge, skill and the technology to do so. This ability is acquired by people on the basis of education received by them.

Why is it important to use resources efficiently?

It is important to use resources more efficiently and reduce their wastage because : Resources are limited on earth,should be used judiciously to save for future generations. 2. Non renewable resources such as fossil fuels should be used limitedly as they are take million years to form.

What is the importance of natural resources for a state and why is it necessary to conserve them?

Natural resources are available in fixed quantity and they are non – renewable, 8. Natural resources are getting scarce with the increasing population, so it is essential to conserve them. This empowers us as well as our future generation to utilise the natural resources to the full extent.

Why are we using too much natural resources?

One reason for this overconsumption of resources, according to Wackernagel, is that our population is increasing every year. What’s more, incomes are rising as well, which increases demand and makes people want to consume more. But one of the main culprits for overshooting the planet’s natural budget is carbon emissions.

Why do we have to conserve our natural resources?

There are three main reasons why we conserve: To repair some of the damage done by humans and maintain the environment for future generations To maintain species diversity for our benefit and that of wildlife To provide opportunities for education and the enjoyment of the environment

Why do we need to conserve mineral resources?

1 Answer Mineral resources, in the present scenario, are being rapidly consumed. The rates of replenishment are infinitely small in comparison to the present rates of consumption. A continuous and concerned effort is required in order to use our mineral resources in a planned and sustainable manner so that the future of our future generations is

Why do you need to conserve mineral resources?

Answer:-. Mineral resources are limited. It takes million of years for their formation and therefore, these resources are non-renewable and non-replenishable. Increasing consumption and continued extraction of ores lead to increasing costs of extraction and a sharp decrease in their quality and quantity. So, it is most important for us to conserve mineral resources as it is feared that with this rate of consumption the day is not far away when most of the metallic and non-metallic mineral