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Is a poodle a good first dog?

Is a poodle a good first dog?

Obviously, there are several adorable breeds that you can choose from, but the best dog breeds for first-time owners are undoubtedly doodles and poodles. Not only are their names and faces as cute as they are cuddly, but their other traits also make for an incredible first pup.

How quickly do poodles learn?

6-8 weeks
A Poodle can start learning obedience commands very young, as a puppy of 6-8 weeks. Your young Poodle may take a while to learn all the obedience commands, but never underestimate your smart little Poodle dog, he may surprise you with how quick he takes to obedience training.

Are poodles Okay home alone?

Poodles can be left alone for the amount of time they can hold going to the bathroom. The general rule of thumb when determining how long to leave poodles alone is 1 hour per month of age. So, 2 months would be 2 hours, 3 months for 3 hours. 1-year-old puppies can hold their needs for 8-9 hours.

Are poodles messy?

The Miniature Poodle is just a tiny version of its standard size counterpart, and these hypoallergenic dogs are messy guys. Because of this breeding, the Poodle – both standard and miniature varieties – loves to get out and get dirty.

Are poodles hard to potty train?

If you are nervous about house training your new poodle, don’t be! Poodles are a highly intelligent breed that typically respond well to training. With patience and consistency, house training your new poodle can be a quick, even enjoyable, process.

What do I need to know before getting a poodle?

8 Things You Should Know About Owning A Poodle.

  • They are known for their dignified attitude.
  • Good news though, they are highly trainable.
  • They’re protective.
  • But they have a playful streak.
  • They don’t shed much.
  • But they definitely need to be groomed.
  • They are not demanding when it comes to exercise.
  • What kind of brush do you use on a poodle?

    slicker brush
    To thoroughly brush and de-mat a standard poodle, you will need either a slicker brush or a pin brush. Generally, professional groomers favor the slicker brush over the pin brush.

    Where should a dog sleep at night?

    If your dog gets into trouble at night it might be best to keep him in the bedroom or crate. Most dogs prefer to lie next to you and they would also sleep there, if they could choose.

    Are Poodle good pets?

    Poodles are generally great family dogs and are friendly and accepting of animals in the house. They’re gentle and polite with kids, but because of their hypersensitive nature they can be easily overwhelmed by small, loud children and will need time to decompress.

    Are Poodles easy to housebreak?

    Poodles are very easy to housebreak. Whether going outside or being trained on a pad, they learn quickly where to defecate. They are still animals, however, and they need time to understand what is desired of them. It may take a while, but poodles are quite smart and learn more quickly than most dogs.

    How do you potty train a toy poodle?

    Potty Training a Toy Poodle Focus on reducing inappropriate toileting. Keep your toy poodle in a crate when you can’t keep an eye on it. Designate a toileting area and show the poodle where it is. Take the dog out on a regular basis.

    How do you train a poodle puppy?

    Acclimate your poodle to a leash and collar. As with other forms of training, it can be easy to train your poodle puppy to walk on a leash. First, he will need to get used to the leash and collar. Place the collar on him and let him wear it while he is eating and doing other activities around the house.

    What are the characteristics of poodles?

    Characteristics of the Poodle. Appearance. The poodle is active, intelligent, graceful, beautiful well-proportioned and loyal. These qualities along with a sense of “joie de vivre” that’s a natural part of their personality; have made the poodle one of the most popular canine companions; one enjoyed by the whole family.