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Is deprecatingly a word?

Is deprecatingly a word?

Meaning of deprecatingly in English in an embarrassed way, especially when someone has praised you: When he deprecatingly called his paintings his “daubs,” nobody contradicted him.

What is the meaning of deprecation?

transitive verb. 1 : to express disapproval of deprecates such attempts at humor. 2a : play down : make little of speaks five languages … but deprecates this facility — Time. b : belittle, disparage the most reluctantly admired and least easily deprecated of …

How do you use the word deprecated?

Examples of deprecate

  1. Had they not given such a service, they would have disappeared long ago and their forcible removal is to be deprecated.
  2. I also think that the growing habit of reading speeches should be deprecated.
  3. Most railwaymen deplore these thefts and their trade unions have also deprecated them.

How do you use deprecation in a sentence?

Deprecate in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Unfortunately my mother-in-law’s urge to deprecate me is stronger than her urge to inspire me.
  2. Coach Jones is a good coach because he does not deprecate his players even when they make mistakes.

Does deprecate mean delete?

Deprecation and removal are two different things. Deprecation, on the other hand, means that the manufacturer discourages a feature’s use but leaves it available. But deprecated features often come with a warning recommending other solutions. In future versions, deprecated features often face removal.

What Potation means?

1 : a usually alcoholic drink or brew. 2 : the act or an instance of drinking or inhaling also : the portion taken in one such act.

Why is pedantic an insult?

While didactic can have a neutral meaning, pedantic is almost always an insult. It typically describes an irritating person who is eager to correct small errors others make, or who wants everyone to know just how much of an expert they are, especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

What does Pridantic mean?

ostentatious in one’s learning. overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, especially in teaching.