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Is dry skin a skin condition?
Dry skin is an uncomfortable condition marked by scaling, itching, and cracking. It can occur for a variety of reasons. You might have naturally dry skin. But even if your skin tends to be oily, you can develop dry skin from time to time.
How do you describe dry skin medically?
Medically, dry skin is called xeroderma. From the Greek “xeros” meaning “dry” + the Greek “derma” meaning “skin” = dry skin.
What Xerosis looks like?
Xerosis can look like dry, rough patches of skin with cracks, flaking and peeling. The skin can be red and itchy. Constant scratching and rubbing can cause the skin to become thick and leathery. Xerosis can affect the skin on any part of the body but commonly occurs on the lower legs, arms, scalp and hands.
Is Xerosis a disease?
Xerosis is the medical name for dry skin. It comes from Greek: ‘xero’ means ‘dry’ and ‘osis’ means ‘disease’ or ‘medical disorder’. Xerosis is caused by a lack of moisture in the skin, which may be the result of ageing (senile Xerosis) or due to underlying diseases such as Diabetes.
What causes dry skin type?
In most cases it’s caused by factors like hot or cold weather, low moisture in the air, and soaking in hot water. You can do a lot on your own to improve your skin, including using moisturizers and avoiding harsh, drying soaps. But sometimes dry skin happens often or is severe.
What is excessively dry skin called?
What is xerosis cutis? Xerosis cutis is the medical term for abnormally dry skin. This name comes from the Greek word “xero,” which means dry. Dry skin is common, especially in older adults. It’s usually a minor and temporary problem, but it may cause discomfort.
Which word means hard skin condition?
Scleroderma means “hard skin”. There are many human diseases associated with tightening and thickening of the skin so there are many “sclerodermas”. In modern medical terminology, scleroderma has evolved to be “shorthand” for two main groups of illness – systemic sclerosis and localized scleroderma.
What is Xerose?
Xerosis cutis (pronounced zi-roh-sis kyoo-tis) is the medical term for abnormally dry skin. A less severe form of xerosis is xeroderma or normal dry skin. While xerosis is often a temporary condition that leaves the skin looking scaly, it can also cause discomfort, itchiness, and inflammation.
What is Elastoderma?
Elastoderma is an exceedingly rare condition that is characterized clinically as an acquired localized laxity of skin resembling cutis laxa and histologically as an excessive accumulation of pleomorphic elastic structures within the dermis.
What is the medical term meaning chronic dry skin?
Xerosis cutis is the medical term for abnormally dry skin. This name comes from the Greek word “xero,” which means dry. Dry skin is common, especially in older adults. It’s usually a minor and temporary problem, but it may cause discomfort. Your skin needs moisture to stay smooth.
What is the medical term for abnormally darkened skin?
Hyperpigmentation is a condition that causes skin to darken. While typically harmless, increased skin pigmentation can be caused by several things.
What is the medical term meaning abnormal condition of the skin?
keratonosis – any abnormal condition of the outer skin (epidermis) keratosis – a skin condition marked by an overgrowth of layers of horny skin. leukoderma – a congenital skin condition characterized by spots or bands of unpigmented skin.
What is the definition of dry skin?
Dry skin. Definition. Dry skin is a condition associated with the skin not having enough moisture content. This is often accompanied by itching and flaking of the skin.