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Is inspiring a adjective?

Is inspiring a adjective?

INSPIRING (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What are some words for inspired?


  • energize,
  • excite,
  • galvanize,
  • provoke,
  • quicken,
  • rally,
  • stimulate,
  • Is Inspiration an adjective or noun?

    noun. in·​spi·​ra·​tion | \ ˌin(t)-spə-ˈrā-shən , -(ˌ)spi- \

    Is inspire an adjective or adverb?

    verb (used with object), in·spired, in·spir·ing. to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence: His courage inspired his followers. to produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, etc.): to inspire confidence in others.

    What is the adverb of Inspire?

    inspirationally. In an inspirational manner.

    Is remarkable an adjective?

    REMARKABLE (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

    Is inspire an adjective or verb?

    Inspiring is the adjective form of the verb inspire, which comes from the Latin word for “breath.” When something is inspiring, it’s as if the breath of life is coming into your body.

    What is the adverb form of inspiration?

    In an inspiring manner.

    Is inspired a verb or adjective?

    adjective. aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence: an inspired poet. resulting from such inspiration: an inspired poem; an inspired plan. inhaled: inspired air.

    Is eloquent an adjective?

    synonym study for eloquent Eloquent, fluent, articulate, expressive are adjectives that characterize speech or speakers notable for their effectiveness. Eloquent suggests clarity and power: an eloquent plea for disarmament.

    Is remarkably an adjective or adverb?

    From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishre‧mark‧a‧bly /rɪˈmɑːkəbli $ -ɑːr-/ ●●○ adverb in an amount or to a degree that is unusual or surprising SYN surprisingly[+adj/adverb] She plays the violin remarkably well. [sentence adverb] Remarkably, all of the passengers survived the crash.