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Is it a bad idea to kiss your best friend?

Is it a bad idea to kiss your best friend?

Greeting my friends and kissing them on the cheek builds our comfort and trust in eachother, which ultimately helps improve our relationship with one another. So to answer your question, It can be normal to kiss your friend on the cheek if you both think its okay and acceptable and are both comfortable to do so.

Is hooking up with your best friend a bad idea?

However, if you’re not careful, disaster is imminent. Friends hooking up happens and there’s nothing wrong with it, but it’s important to know that familiarity plus sex does not always equal love. A range of outcomes can occur, some more difficult than others. Ask yourself if you’re really ready for them.

Can bestie kiss?

One common thing to happen between friends is a kiss. Kisses are normal when people have intimate feelings for one another or are just excited and in the mood for physical contact. Sometimes kisses might happen because we are emotional for some reason and just act on our feelings without thinking.

Why do I feel like kissing my best friend?

Is it possible to be attracted to someone of the same sex?

If you think you are attracted to others of the same sex, you may be confused or frustrated but you are certainly not alone. Surveys over the past 50 years have shown that somewhere between 10-15% of adolescents report a same sex sexual experience. Many more possibly have attractions but never act on them.

Is the theory of same sex attraction true?

Science or psychology has not proven any of these theories completely true or completely false. No gay gene has been discovered nor are there certain kinds of families that are always responsible for same sex attractions. For different people with same sex attraction, there may be some truth in each of these theories.

Is it good idea to start a relationship with a friend?

According to Mary Kay Cocharo, LMFT, starting something romantic with a friend could be your best idea yet. “I know that people are always afraid to do that, but from my perspective—I’ve been a marriage therapist for over 30 years—the couples who start with a solid basis of friendship are in a really good position to last.”

Which is better, a best friend or a stranger?

Compared to people who meet as strangers, Cocharo says couples who start as friends—especially best friends—have a much better foundation. People who just get attracted to someone they see across the room have a lot of pheromones, Cocharo says.