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Is it OK to have a hermit crab as a pet?

Is it OK to have a hermit crab as a pet?

Hermit crabs are among the more unusual pets, although they do make interesting, easy care companions. They have distinct personalities, are active and curious, and their unique characteristics and low maintenance requirements make them good pets.

Where do hermit crabs in pet stores come from?

Most of the hermit crabs sold as pets in the US are purple pincher crabs or Ecuadorian hermit crabs. Purple pinchers are native to the Caribbean, South America, and the Florida Keys, while the Ecuadorian crab comes from the coasts of Ecuador and Chile.

Where is the best place to find hermit crabs?

Find a rocky beach. Hermit crabs thrive where the ocean meets the land. A rocky habitat give them plenty of places to hide when the tide goes out. Wait for low tide.

How much is a hermit crab cost?

The average cost to purchase a hermit crab is about $3 to $25. The cost may vary depending on the size of the crab with larger crabs being more expensive. Price may also depend on the type of shell your hermit crab comes in and whether it has been custom designed.

Do hermit crabs bite?

Do hermit crabs pinch or bite? Hermits are not aggressive and they do not bite, but they will reach out and try and hold on with their pincher claw. They usually are passive, if they are held incorrectly they will grab your skin to hold on.

Where does Petco get their hermit crabs?

All hermit crabs sold in pet stores or by online vendors are wild-caught: some come from Haiti (PPs), some from South America (Equadorians), some from Indonesia (Violas, Ruggies, Strawberries), etc., so there is no way to avoid getting a hermit crab that wasn’t snatched from its native environment.

Why hermit crabs are bad pets?

Hermit crabs need lots of friends! They thrive in large colonies, where they often sleep piled up together. Hermit crabs also are often slowly poisoned by tap water and/or the toxic paint adorning their shells. Crabs don’t care if they are orange or purple, but they pay with their lives because humans do!

Are hermit crabs on the beach?

Hermit crabs can be found on beaches that have rocky surfaces or structures for them to hide in. Their marine relatives can be found in similar places out at sea and on reefs and underwater structures. Hermit crabs emerge from their hiding places only when they feel safe to do so.

Do hermit crabs like peanut butter?

In particular, hermit crabs like to pick meat off of bones. Nuts, applesauce, raisins, trail mix, peanut butter, honey, cooked egg, cereal, crackers, washed grass, and popcorn are some of the miscellaneous favorites people have reported their crabs enjoying.

Where can I find an Ecuadorian hermit crab?

Native to Ecuador and Chile, these hermit crabs live on the Pacific seashore around tidal pools and high-tide zone. Their bodies have adapted to this seashore existence, and in captivity, they require access to seawater, as they must metabolize the salt in it and bathe in it to maintain gill moisture.

Where can you buy Hemit crabs?

You can look for hermit crabs at any of your local pet stores, although you may need to find a bigger store or one that sells exotic pets. Try searching online. Once you find a store, make sure it treats its hermit crabs properly before you buy some, and check that your crabs are healthy.

Where do hermit crabs live at the beach?

Hermit crabs are found mostly in the Virginia portion of the Chesapeake Bay, south of Tangier Sound . Hermit crabs are small crustaceans that lack a shell and must “borrow” one from another animal. They live on beaches, mud flats and shallow waters throughout the lower Chesapeake Bay.

How do you care for a hermit crab?

To properly care for hermit crabs, place them in a large tank with a layer of substrate they can bury themselves in. Hermit crabs are social, so you should have at least 3-4 animals in each tank. Keep the humidity in the tank at 75-85% and the temperature between 75° and 85°F.