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Is Mal in French masculine or feminine?

Is Mal in French masculine or feminine?


singulier pluriel
masculin mal maux
féminin male males

How do you use Mal in French?

Mal means bad, ill-at-ease, immoral, etc., and can only be used as an adjective with copular (state-of-being) verbs such as être (to be) and se sentir (to feel). Il a de mauvais yeux. He has bad eyes (can’t see). C’est mal de dire ça.

What is the feminine form of mal?

“Malo” is the adjective (describing word) which normally means “bad” but can also mean “ill”, “poor”, “wrong”. It also has a feminine form, “mala” as well as plural forms, “malos” and “malas”.

What is Mal in French?

Mal is mainly used as an adverb of manner, which it means badly, poorly, not well. But it can also be used to express that something is morally bad. We will also see that associated with the word “pas” pas mal, it can be an adverb of quantity.

What is the opposite of Mal in French?

The French words bon and bien, mauvais and mal are often mixed up. This is because the two pairs have similar meanings: bon and bien are positive while mauvais and mal are negative. In addition all four of these words can be adjectives, adverbs, or nouns.

Is Mal French or Spanish?

Borrowed from French mal (“illness”).

Is Rapide feminine or masculine in French?

Rapide is spelt in the same way in the masculine and the feminine forms: un train rapide, une voiture rapide.

How do you use mal in Spanish?

You use the word mal to describe an action that is being executed in an unsatisfactory way. Here are a few examples: Mirna coció mal el arroz. Mirna cooked the rice wrong. Luis contestó mal el examen.

What does the name Mal mean?

Hebrew Baby Names Meaning: In Hebrew Baby Names the meaning of the name Mal is: Messenger of God.

Is Mal opposite of Bien?

« Bien » is an adverb (it gives information about verbs, and as verbs don’t have a gender its spelling never changes) and its opposite is « mal » (again never changes its spelling).

What is the opposite of the prefix mal?

Mal. (Science: prefix) a prefix meaning ill, bad; the opposite of eu-.

Is Rapide masculine or feminine?