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Is one ball sack supposed to be bigger than the other?

Is one ball sack supposed to be bigger than the other?

It’s normal for one of your testicles to be bigger than the other. The right testicle tends to be the bigger one. One of them also usually hangs a little lower than the other within the scrotum. However, your testicles should never feel painful.

Do epididymal cysts get bigger?

Usually, epididymal cysts and spermatoceles will either get smaller as the body reabsorbs fluid from the cyst or they will stay the same size. Sometimes, though, an epididymal cyst may continue to grow larger or cause pain, swelling, or embarrassment to the patient.

Can a epididymal cyst burst?

It is also possible for a cyst to become infected, which may cause further pain. Some cysts may also burst and discharge pus. If people experience severe and sudden pain in the testicles, it may be a sign of something more serious that could require immediate medical treatment.

Can epididymal cysts become cancerous?

An epididymal cyst is a fluid-filled sac which grows at the top end of the testicle. It is benign (ie not caused by cancer).

Why is the left testicle bigger than the right?

This fluid accumulation is called hydrocele and it is usually harmless and needs to be drained only if it starts causing any discomfort or enlarging. In normal variants, it is usually the left testicle that is larger than the right one. Men who are left-handed it’s normally the right one.

Why do your testicles change size to produce sperm?

For your testicles to produce sperm, they must be kept at just the right temperature. As a result, scrotum will change size to make sure the testicles stay at that right temperature.

Why are the testicles outside of the body?

The scrotum is the sac that surrounds the testicles. It is located outside of the body because sperm requires a lower-than-normal body temperature to be produced. The epididymis is a chain of small tube-like structures located behind the testicles. Its function is to collect, mature, and store the sperm that is produced in the testicles.

Why do my testicles hang down when I Am Cold?

As a result, scrotum will change size to make sure the testicles stay at that right temperature. This happens without you even thinking about it. So, when you are cold, your body sends a message to the scrotum to shrivel and preserve heat. Why do my testicles hang down?