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Is there a word for Thanks in Finnish?

Is there a word for Thanks in Finnish?

In Finnish, “Thank you” is kiitos. 2- Kiitos paljon. You can emphasize kiitos by adding paljon, which literally means, “a lot.” You could say kiitos paljon, which would be equivalent to “Thanks a lot,” a more polite expression than just kiitos.

What does kiitos mean in finish?

thank you
The most important phrase visitors need to learn is ‘kiitos’, or its more informal version ‘kiiti’, which means ‘thank you’.

What language is kiitos?

Say Thank You

Language Thank you Pronunciation
Danish tak tahg
Finnish kiitos kee-toas
French merci mehr-see
German danke dahn-kah

How do you answer kiitos?

The answer is Kiitos hyvää (I’m fine, thank you). Thank you is probably the most important word in every language. The Finnish word for thank you is Kiitos . The answer to Kiitos is either Ole hyvä (here you are) or Ei kestä (you’re welcome or no problem).

What means Kitos?

Kiitos = thank you. “Kitos” isn’t Finnish and doesn’t mean anything 🙂 See a translation. 4 likes.

How do we say good morning in Finnish?

More Formal Finnish Greetings

  1. Tervehdys (Greetings)
  2. Hyvää huomenta (Good morning)
  3. Hyvää päivää (Good day)
  4. Hyvää iltaa (Good evening)

How do you say “thank you” in Finnish?

In Finnish, “Thank you” is kiitos. 2- Kiitos paljon. You can emphasize kiitos by adding paljon, which literally means, “a lot.” You could say kiitos paljon, which would be equivalent to “Thanks a lot,” a more polite expression than just kiitos. 3- Paljon kiitoksia.

How do you say welcome in Finnish?

To say you are welcome in Finnish: Ole hyvä. Say it out loud: “oh leh hih vah“. You can learn how to say you are welcome and over 220 other travel-friendly words and phrases with our inexpensive, easy-to-use Finnish language cheat sheets.

How do you Say Yes in Finnish?

There are several words in Finnish that mean “yes”. The official word for yes is kyllä. In addition, you can say joo or juu in spoken language. You can reply to a question simply with “yes”, or make a longer reply.

How do you Say Hello in Finland?

Strive to practice how to ask for someone’s name, where they’re from, and other conversational topics. There are a variety of ways to say “Hello” in Finnish. You can say terve, hyvää päivää or päivää, to be polite. Moi is the most commonly used word for hello.