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Is there always going to be an equal number of guanine and cytosine nucleotides?

Is there always going to be an equal number of guanine and cytosine nucleotides?

Explanation: ++there are always equal no. of guanine and cytosine nucleotides in a molecule. ++they only pair with each other due to their chemical nature..

Is there always going to be an equal number of adenine and thymine nucleotides in a molecule?

Is there always going to be an equal number of adenine and thymine nucleotides in molecule? Why? Ans: Yes, adenine can only pair with thymine because of their chemical structures.

What percentage of the same DNA molecule would be expected to be guanine nucleotides?

The remaining percentage of DNA bases will consist of cytosine and guanine bases (100% – 15% – 15% = 70%); these should be in equal amounts (70%/2 = 35%). Therefore, the percentages of each of the other bases if the thymine content is 15% are adenine = 15%; guanine = 35%; and cytosine = 35%.

What is one part of a nucleotide that differs among the four different nucleotides in your group?

BIO TAG – Ecology, DNA and DNA Experiments Quiz

Question Answer
(from pre-quiz)What is the ONE part of a nucleotide that differs among the four DIFFERENT nucleotides in your group? nitrogen base
List the four different kinds of nitrogen bases, spell out, do not abbreviate. adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine

How is RNA and DNA similar?

RNA is somewhat similar to DNA; they both are nucleic acids of nitrogen-containing bases joined by sugar-phosphate backbone. DNA has Thymine, where as RNA has Uracil. RNA nucleotides include sugar ribose, rather than the Deoxyribose that is part of DNA.

What are the sides of the ladder made up of?

The double helix looks like a twisted ladder—the rungs of the ladder are composed of pairs of nitrogenous bases (base pairs), and the sides of the ladder are made up of alternating sugar molecules and phosphate groups. Molecules of DNA range in length from hundreds of thousands to millions of base pairs.

Why does the amount of adenine equals the amount of thymine?

Chargaff discovered that the amount of adenine is approximately equal to the amount of thymine in DNA, and that the amount of the guanine is approximately equal to cytosine. These relationships were later determined to be due to complementary base pairing.

Does RNA contain equal amounts of purines and pyrimidines?

In RNA, adenine bonds to uracil and guanine still bonds with cytosine. Approximately equal amounts of purines and pyrimidines are required to form either DNA or RNA.

Which ratio is constant for DNA quizlet?

Chargaff’s rules state that DNA from any species of any organism should have a 1:1 stoichiometric ratio of purine and pyrimidine bases (i.e., A+G=T+C) and, more specifically, that the amount of guanine should be equal to cytosine and the amount of adenine should be equal to thymine.

How does the structure of DNA allow it to be copied?

How does the structure of DNA allow it to copy information? Hydrogen bonds (formed between bases) allow for DNA to be easily broken and copied. Because the strands are separated at the hydrogen bonds and can be copied, those strands can be easily transmitted.

Is there always going to be an equal number of adenine and?

The answer to this question is “yes”. The total number of adenine molecules or their pair is same with that of the number of thymine nucleotide in molecules.

How do the four types of nucleotides differ?

Nucleotides in DNA contain four different nitrogenous bases: Thymine, Cytosine, Adenine, or Guanine. Pyrimidines: Cytosine and Thymine each have a single six-member ring. Purines: Guanine and Adenine each have a double ring made up of a five-atom ring attached by one side to a six-atom ring.