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Is trombone slide oil the same as valve oil?

Is trombone slide oil the same as valve oil?

The difference is in the viscosity or thickness. Key or valve oils are thin or light. Slide oil for trombone slides is thicker. Oil for tuning slides (on trumpets, trombones and other brass instruments) is very thick.

What can I use instead of valve oil on my trumpet?

There’s really not a good substitute for valve oil. Valve oil is a water based lubricant, so it won’t hurt your instrument, but using oil or silicone based lubricants, like WD-40 or T-9, can eat away at the nickel in your instrument and cause serious damage.

What kind of oil can you use on a trumpet?

Petroleum-based oil works best with brand new trumpets. Petroleum oil is lighter and won’t be as effective on worn-in trumpets. You may have to reapply this oil more often if you use it on an older instrument. Synthetic oils are typically more expensive, but they are better able to reduce friction in tighter valves.

Do trumpets need slide grease?

Trumpets are pretty easy to look after, and mouthpieces even more so. All you need are oil, slide grease, and a lint-free cloth to care for your musical equipment. After the first month or so, oil your valves two or three times a week; if you’re playing several hours a day, you might want to oil them daily.

Does valve oil expire?

As far as your thinking that “old oil breaks down in the bottle” is concerned the answer is yes. The longevity varies with different oils, but the average would be 2-3 years or so.”

Can you use slide oil on valves?

Proper use of grease and oil Apply slide grease to the main tuning slide and the second valve slide, and tuning slide oil to the first and third valve slide. Oil is applied to allow smooth movement while playing, so that the first and third valve slides can be used to control pitch.

Can you use Vaseline as valve oil?

Yamaha and Eastman stock valve oil is good enough, while the valve oil that comes with most ISOs tends to be VERY low quality and bad for the valves. pure lanolin (best)/tuning slide grease (good)/Vaseline or petroleum jelly (good in a pinch)-for lubricating tuning slides.

Can I use WD40 on trumpet valves?

WD40 is a general purpose cleaner..and it is in fact a lubricant that works great in some applications…not so good in others. If you were planning on using it as a slide lube on a may creep into the valves and make them gummy because it will only absorb so much water.

Can I use valve oil instead of slide grease?

So, if you don’t have any slide grease and you need your slides to be really loose, then valve oil *might* work in a pinch–although you may need to re-apply frequently throughout a performance. But in short, you want to use valve grease over valve oil because it protects, seals, and lasts longer.

What valve oil is best?

The 5 Best Trumpet Valve Oils in 2021: Reviews and Buyer’s Guide

  • #1. Blue Juice Valve Oil.
  • #2. MusicNomad Trumpet Cleaning And Care Product.
  • #3. Monster Premium Synthetic Valve Oil.
  • #4. Ultra-Pure Oils UPO-VALVE Professional Valve Oil.
  • #5. Yamaha Regular Synthetic Valve Oil.

What kind of oil do you use for a trombone slide?

Trombone Valve Oil for Slides. A man working on a music shop said that a product entitled as Trombon Valve Oil can be used for the trumpet slides since both are brass instrument slides and would be able to be maintaned the same way.

Do you use valve oil or slide grease on a trumpet?

Valve oil and slide grease have two different purposes. I do use trumpet valve oil on my third and first slides to make them move easier/faster, but I start by putting on slide grease. As to whether it will hurt the instrument, I would state the answer is no.

Which is the best valve oil for slides?

The best valve oil to use as a slide oil is Alsyn it is rather thick too thick for many on the valve of their trumpet’s but this means it works fantastic on slides. It can easily last a year on a slide if you did not wash the horn.

Which is thicker valve oil or slide grease?

If you want oil for your trumpets slides that is thicker then valve oil use 3in1 oil. You can buy it at Walmart, K-Mart, Meijer’s,Kroger’s, Hardware stores, etc…… It is not harmful to any of the finish’s on a trumpet and it last’s a long long time. It is thinner then slide grease but thicker then valve oil.