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Is your thumb supposed to be bigger than your pinky?

Is your thumb supposed to be bigger than your pinky?

The distance between the tip of the pinky finger and the tip of the thumb is the measurement. Ten inches or longer is preferred. The average measurement of this year’s 18 invited passers is 9¾ inches.

What does it mean when your pinky is small?

If your little finger doesn’t reach the top joint of your ring finger, then you have a short pinky. A short little finger can be indicative of a few things. You may be shy and reserved, especially around strangers. You have lots of big dreams but can be timid about reaching out and going for them.

What does the size of your pinky mean?

Your little finger is the same height as the top joint of your ring finger: This means you are an open and honest person, who values your integrity above all else. You also value your independence, but people trust you because of your honesty and wisdom. You make sure that everything you’re involved in runs smoothly.

How is the pinky finger compared to the other fingers?

A comparison with the other fingers can also be revealing. For example, compared with the other fingers the pinky doesn’t carry the heavy burdens of the pointer, the index finger, which pokes things importantly and flicks through the Rolodex on urgent missions.

How big should a woman’s pinky ring finger be?

This isn’t true in every case, so make sure to consider your own hand when using this, “two sizes down” ring sizing method. In the United States, the average size for a woman’s pinky is a size 4, and corresponds with a size 6 ring finger.

What does it mean if your pinky finger is crooked?

Camptodactyly involves a flexion deformity at the proximal interphalangeal joint; the term ‘camptodactyly’ origins from the Greek “bent finger”. For the pinky finger one could therefore speak of a ‘bent pinky finger’ or ‘crooked pinky finger’.

Which is more common short pinkies or long pinkies?

In general, the results indicate that short pinkies appear more common in high scorers for Neuroticism (= emotional instability); while long pinkies appear more common in low scorers for Neuroticism (= emotional stability). Hand chart: 12 hand signs in Emotional Stability & Neuroticism!