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On what basis are people treated unequally?

On what basis are people treated unequally?

Even though persons are aware that discrimination is against the law, they continue to treat people unequally on the basis of their caste, religion, disability, economic status and because they are women.

On what basis were the ansaris treated unequally?

basis of religion
Answer: The Ansaris were treated unequally on the basis of religion.

Can inequality be justified?

It maintains that inequalities can be justified since in the long run because they are necessary for economic growth that will be to the benefit of all. The second justification is more straightforwardly moral: the libertarian justification.

Why was Omprakash Valmiki treated unequally?

Omprakash Valmiki was treated unequal by his teacher and his classmates because as he was a dalit & was not allowed to sit on the desk like others. Omprakash valmiki was illtreated as he belonged to lower cast family.

When persons are treated unequally their dignity is violated How?

When persons are treated unequally their dignity is violated because they feel humiliated . The Dignity of both Omprakash Valmiki and the Ansaris was violated because of the way they were treated .

What does treated unfairly mean?

verb. to treat someone extremely badly, or to refuse them equal rights, especially because of their race, religion, or political beliefs.

How do you deal with unequal treatment in the workplace?

If you are being treated unfairly in the workplace, there are a number of steps you can take in order to protect your rights:

  1. Document The Unfair Treatment.
  2. Report The Unfair Treatment.
  3. Stay Away From Social Media.
  4. Take Care Of Yourself.
  5. Contact An Experienced Lawyer.

What is a justifiable inequality?

avoid ambiguity. Thus I shall use the phrases ‘justified inequality’ or ‘justifiable inequality’ in. cases where I wish to discuss an inequality of treatment that is considered justified because the. differences on which it is based are reasonable or relevant, or because it may be thought to be.

Why do people continue to treat people unequally?

Still they continue to treat people unequally on the basis of their caste, religion, disability, economic status and sex. (ii) It is only when people begin to believe that no one is inferior and that every person deserves to be treated with dignity, that attitudes change.

Why are some people treated unequally in India?

Caste, religion, class background whether we are male or female—are often the things that determine why we are treated unequally. Omprakash Valmiki and the Ansaris are being treated unequally on the basis of differences of caste and religion.

Why are people treated unequally on the basis of caste?

Caste, religion, class background whether we are male or female – are often the things that determine why we are treated unequally. Omprakash Valmiki and the Ansaris are being treated unequally on the basis of differences of caste and religion. Question: When persons are treated unequally, their dignity is violated. How?

When are persons are treated unequally, their dignity is violated?

Question: When persons are treated unequally, their dignity is violated. How? When persons are treated unequally their dignity is violated because they feel humiliated. The dignity of both Omprakash Valmiki and the Ansaris was violated because of the way in which they were treated.