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Under which national policy has the DoD issued its own implementing guidance for classifying information?

Under which national policy has the DoD issued its own implementing guidance for classifying information?

Finally, it helps ensure that classified information receives the required level of protection when making derivative classification decisions. The foundation of national policy for classified information is Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information.

What is an original classification authority?

E. Original Classification Authority: An individual authorized to classify information in the first instance including individuals who are designated in writing as “Acting” officials in any of the delegated positions.

What are the names of the policies that provide guidance for the DoD information security program?

The Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, or USD(I), provides implementation guidance for the Information Security Program within the DoD.

What is the purpose of the DoD index of security classification guides?

The purpose of security classification guidance is to communicate classification decisions and provide a means for uniform derivative classification and consistent application of classification decisions.

What must be approved and signed by original classification authority?

What must be approved and signed by original classification authority? SCI must be approved and signed by a cognizant original classification authority (OCA).

How is classified information used to create new material?

The process of using existing classified information to create new material and marking the new material consistent with the classification markings that apply to the source information.

When to use derivative classification concept of compilation?

When using the derivative classification concept of compilation, you must place a clearly worded explanation of the basis for classification by compilation on the face of the document or include it in the text. authorized classified sources are derivative classifiers.

When do you need to seek guidance on derivative classification?

If the classification in the existing content seems incorrect, or there is conflicting guidance from authorized sources, you are required to seek further guidance.

What are the responsibilities of a derivative classifier?

You may be subject to criminal sanctions, such as incarceration, if you engage in the unauthorized disclosure of information. One of the most important responsibilities derivative classifiers have is to analyze and correct the original classification authority’s decisions. (x) The department budget this quarter will be $64,000.