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What 2 things describe matter?

What 2 things describe matter?

There are two basic ways to describe matter: physical properties and chemical properties.

What are 2 properties that matter has?

Matter can be defined or described as anything that takes up space, and it is composed of miniscule particles called atoms. It must display the two properties of mass and volume.

What are 3 characteristics of matter?

The general characteristics of the particles of matter are as follows :

  • They have space between them.
  • The particles of matter are moving.
  • The particles of matter are very small.
  • The particles of matter attract each other. Was this answer helpful? Similar questions.

What is matter and its example?

A common or traditional definition of matter is “anything that has mass and volume (occupies space)”. For example, a car would be said to be made of matter, as it has mass and volume (occupies space). Thus, matter can be defined as everything composed of elementary fermions.

What are the 3 main properties of matter?

There are three common states of matter:

  • Solids – relatively rigid, definite volume and shape. In a solid, the atoms and molecules are attached to each other.
  • Liquids – definite volume but able to change shape by flowing. In a liquid, the atoms and molecules are loosely bonded.
  • Gases – no definite volume or shape.

What are examples of properties of matter?

The properties of matter include any traits that can be measured, such as an object’s density, color, mass, volume, length, malleability, melting point, hardness, odor, temperature, and more.

What are the 4 characteristics of matter?

The characteristics of particles of matter are:

  • All matter is composed of very small particles which can exist independently.
  • Particles of matter have spaces between them.
  • Particles of matter are continuously moving.
  • Particles of matter attract each other.

What is matter and what are its properties?

Chemists study the structures, physical properties, and chemical properties of material substances. These consist of matter, which is anything that occupies space and has mass. The mass of an object is the quantity of matter it contains.

What is meant by matter give two examples?

(a) Matter can be defined as anything that occupies space and has a volume. It possesses mass. Examples – Air, Water, Soil and plastic. The particles in matter attract one another. This attraction is inversely proportional to the distance between the particles.

What things are made of matter?

Matter makes up everything you can see, including clothes, water, food, plants, and animals. It even makes up some things you cannot see, such as air or the smell of perfume. You can describe a type of matter by its MATERIAL PROPERTIES such as its colour or how hard it is.

What is matter and its types?

Matter can exist in one of three main states: solid, liquid, or gas. Solid matter is composed of tightly packed particles. A solid will retain its shape; the particles are not free to move around. Gaseous matter is composed of particles packed so loosely that it has neither a defined shape nor a defined volume.

What are the 3 characteristics of matter?

Three States of Matter

  • Matter can exist in one of three main states: solid, liquid, or gas.
  • Solid matter is composed of tightly packed particles.
  • Liquid matter is made of more loosely packed particles.
  • Gaseous matter is composed of particles packed so loosely that it has neither a defined shape nor a defined volume.