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What 3 things make up air?

What 3 things make up air?

The dry composition of the atmosphere is mostly nitrogen and oxygen. It also contains fractional amounts of argon and carbon dioxide and trace amounts of other gases, such as helium, neon, methane, krypton, and hydrogen (NASA).

What are the 4 main components of air?

The Composition of Air: Air is made up of 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and other gases in meager amounts.

Which are the two main components of air?

The main components of air are:

  • Nitrogen.
  • Oxygen.

What are the 5 properties of air?

The properties of air are:

  • Air takes up space.
  • Air has mass.
  • Air is affected by heat.
  • Air exerts pressure.
  • Air can be compressed.
  • Air is affected by altitude.

What is the air mixture?

CHICAGO TRIBUNE. Air: The mixture of gases that form the atmosphere of the Earth. By volume, dry air is composed of nitrogen (78.09%), Oxygen (20.95%), argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.03%), and several trace gases. Water vapor varies between zero and 4% volume.

Why do we make use of air?

Air is a Substantial Supplier of Energy: To produce useful energy, both living plants and animals depend on oxygen. Body cells obtain oxygen from the blood and generate electricity in the form of ATP after eating food. This biochemical development of ATP is important if life on Earth is to survive.

What makes up the chemical composition of the air?

Here’s information about the chemical composition of the Earth’s air and the percentages of the most common compounds according to volume. Nearly all of the Earth’s atmosphere is made up of only five gases: nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, argon, and carbon dioxide.: nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, argon, and carbon dioxide.

What makes up the air in the Earths atmosphere?

It’s a mixture of different gases. The air in Earth’s atmosphere is made up of approximately 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen. Air also has small amounts of lots of other gases, too, such as carbon dioxide, neon, and hydrogen. 1 of 11

What are some interesting things about the air?

Air is mostly gas. Air isn’t just gas. Air is important for living things. Carbon dioxide in the air can be both good and bad. Air also holds water. Air changes as you go up, up, up. Air is a protective cushion. There is life in the air. Air can move fast and far. Air pollution can ruin your outdoor plans.

What kind of gases make up the air we breathe?

These gases are referred to as trace gases and include: 1 water vapor 2 carbon dioxide 3 methane 4 helium 5 hydrogen 6 ozone