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What adjective describes Mr White?

What adjective describes Mr White?

The adjective that best describes Mr. White is reckless.

Is Mr White a flat or round character?

Brief description of Mr. White. Round – risk-taker, hospitable, curious, superstitious, stubborn (see chart).

What is mostly Mr whites final wish?

The reader can conclude that Mr. White’s final wish was… to make whatever was at the door to go away and disappear.

How is Mr White careless?

Mr. White’s approach to chess reveals that he makes careless, brash decisions that put the things he values in jeopardy. Mr. White’s illogical, unnecessary risks during the game of chess foreshadow his careless use of the magic monkey’s paw.

What did Mr White do?

Mr. White is the elderly man who buys the monkey’s paw and uses it to wish for two hundred pounds (British money) in order to pay off the loan on his house. We might also see it as the story of a man who learns to be strong when life gets tough.

Which sentence most clearly describes Mrs White’s first reaction to the story of the monkey paw?

White’s crying when she realizes her son has not come back from the dead. D. The sergeant-major’s warning not to wish on the monkey’s paw. 4b.

What type of character is Mr White?

Mr. White is an old man who is both curious and malleable. A poor man, he thinks longingly about the exotic lands he has never visited. The monkey’s paw fascinates him in part because of its connection to those lands.

Is Mr White a dynamic or static character?

Mr. White is the main character in “The Monkey’s Paw.” He is a dynamic character because he experiences a change throughout the story. When Morris first shows the paw to the White family, Mr. White is interested in the strange object and asks several questions of its present owner.

What impact do Mr and Mrs White’s differing points of view?

Their different points of view contribute to a lively but humorous dialogue between them and reinforces the characterization of them as a close family. Their different points of view about the sergeant-major emphasize the idea that visitors are threatening, which is an important theme in the story.

Which statement best describes Morris attitude toward the monkey’s paw?

He believes the monkey’s paw is worthless and should be thrown away. He doesn’t believe the paw can grant wishes. He plans to sell the monkey’s paw to make money. He believes the monkey’s paw can cause harm to those who use it.

What two characteristics describe Mr White?

How does Mr White treat his wife?

Against the wishes of his wife, he presumably wishes everything to do away. So, in the end, Mr. White opposes his wife’s desire.