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What are 2 examples of hazards that can be caused by volcanoes?

What are 2 examples of hazards that can be caused by volcanoes?

What are the hazards from volcanoes?

  • Lava. Lava (molten rock) can erupt as fire fountains or lava flows (when it is runny) or as steep-sided domes (when it is viscous).
  • Pyroclastic flows.
  • Phreatic explosions.
  • Lahars.
  • Jökulhlaups.
  • Landslides.
  • Volcanic earthquakes.
  • Tsunamis.

What are hazards of volcanoes?

Volcano Hazards Program

  • Tephra/Ash.
  • Lava Flows.
  • Lahars.
  • Volcanic Gas.
  • – Climate Change.
  • Pyroclastic Density Currents.
  • Volcanic Landslides.

What are the primary hazards of volcanoes?

VOLCANIC HAZARDS 3 Primary hazards are direct hazards from eruption such as pyroclastic flows, pyroclastic falls, lava flows and poisonous gas release. The secondary hazards are the indirect consequences such as lahars, tsunamis and epidemic disease and post-eruption famine.

Why are some volcanoes more hazardous than others?

Some volcanic eruptions are more dangerous than others, says Dr. Molten rock, or magma, comes under pressure, but it’s how that pressure is released that determines whether the volcano will create a violent, sudden eruption or not, she says. “If the magma is very sticky, very viscus, it will explode.

How can volcanic hazards be mitigated?

Mitigation measures for volcanic eruptions usually involve implementation of control structures to reduce the effects of flooding; land zoning and evacuation; and building reinforcement.

How can we reduce the hazard brought by volcanic eruptions?

Protecting yourself during ashfall

  1. Stay inside, if possible, with windows and doors closed.
  2. Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
  3. Use goggles to protect your eyes.
  4. Exposure to ash can harm your health, particularly the respiratory (breathing) tract.
  5. Keep your car or truck engine switched off.

Is volcanic eruption a natural hazard?

A physical event, such as a volcanic eruption, that does not affect human beings is a natural phenomenon but not a natural hazard. A hazardous event that causes unacceptably large numbers of fatalities and/or overwhelming property damage is a natural disaster.

Why is a volcano a natural disaster?

Volcanic eruptions make up a fifth of all natural disasters. VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS HAVE the power to destroy whole cities, alter global climate and devastate economies. They can produce rivers of molten lava, crushing mudflows, suffocating ash and toxic gases that wreak havoc across the globe for years after.