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What are 2 possible causes of the death of aquatic plants?

What are 2 possible causes of the death of aquatic plants?


  • The nitrogen concentration.
  • Filamentous algae.
  • Floating litter.
  • Sedimentation.
  • Disturbance and recreational activities.
  • Grazing by birds and mammals.
  • Summary: the emergent vegetation (mainly reed, Phragmites australis), is directly influenced by eutrophication.

How do aquatic plants survive the environment?

Aquatic plants require special adaptations for living submerged in water, or at the water’s surface. The most common adaptation is the presence of lightweight internal packing cells, aerenchyma, but floating leaves and finely dissected leaves are also common.

How does photosynthesis occur in aquatic plants?

Just like plants on land, algae photosynthesize — essentially using the sun’s rays to turn molecules of carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen gas. Underwater, those teeny tiny oxygen bubbles rush upward. As these bubbles detach from the plant, they make a short “ping” sound, the researchers found.

What happens if you put plants completely under water?

Submerged plants grow fully immersed in water and get their nutrients from the water through their leaves, not their roots like other plants. Plants that grow completely under water provide shelter for fish, oxygen to the water, and filter out pollutants.

How do aquatic plants affect fish mortality?

The most common cause of fish kills is suffocation due to lack of dissolved oxygen. Most dissolved oxygen is produced by algae and aquatic plants through photosynthesis. When more oxygen is consumed than is produced, oxygen levels can be depleted, which can lead to fish kills.

How can dead zones be reversed?

Fortunately, dead zones are reversible if their causes are reduced or eliminated. For example, a huge dead zone in the Black Sea largely disappeared in the 1990s following the fall of the Soviet Union, after which there was a huge spike in the cost of chemical fertilizers throughout the region.

What challenges do aquatic plants face?

Living in water does present challenges to plants, however. For one thing, pollination by wind or animals isn’t feasible under water, so aquatic plants may have adaptations that help them keep their flowers above water. For instance, water lilies have bowl-shaped flowers and broad, flat leaves that float.

How do aquatic plants survive in water?

Aquatic plants and animals are able to survive in water as water contains 0.7% of dissolved oxygen which is taken inside their body by specially designed organs like gills and by general body surface in plants.

How do aquatic plants get water?

Land plants get water from the ground through their extensive root system, carbon dioxide from the air through their stomata (tiny holes in a plant’s leaves), and energy from the sun. Aquatic plants get water and carbon dioxide from their aquatic environment and, like the land plants, light energy from the sun.

How will photosynthesis occurring in aquatic plants affect oxygen levels in the water?

Water with lots of aquatic plants have higher levels of dissolved oxygen, since submerged plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis. Also, as mentioned above, too many plants will ultimately reduce the DO levels, because of either night-time oxygen use by plants or the decay process that consumes oxygen.

How do aquatic plants absorb water?

Aquatic plants have little or no access to air. Water containing absorbed nutrients is absorbed allover the plant surface, so there is no need for a root system to absorb water, or a highly developed internal transport system to distribute water throughout the plant.

Why do aquatic plants grow in water?

Submerged plants provide habitat for fish, wildlife and other organisms, but predominantly are used to discourage the growth of undesirable species of aquatic plants and algae. Both categories are used to help assimilate nutrients which are very beneficial to lakes and ponds.