What are CSS used for?
CSS is the language for describing the presentation of Web pages, including colors, layout, and fonts. It allows one to adapt the presentation to different types of devices, such as large screens, small screens, or printers. CSS is independent of HTML and can be used with any XML-based markup language.
What is CSS and its advantages?
Using CSS, you can control the color of the text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, etc. The following are the advantages of CSS − CSS saves time − You can write CSS once and then reuse the same sheet in multiple HTML pages.
What is are the main objective of CSS?
The purpose of CSS is to provide Web developers with a standard way to define, apply, and manage sets of style characteristics. CSS provides these capabilities through a technical model based on a hierarchical scope of effect, the separation of style from content, and a well-defined set of published standards.
What is CSS and how it works?
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets with an emphasis placed on “Style.” While HTML is used to structure a web document (defining things like headlines and paragraphs, and allowing you to embed images, video, and other media), CSS comes through and specifies your document’s style—page layouts, colors, and fonts are …
What is HTML CSS and JavaScript?
HTML provides the basic structure of sites, which is enhanced and modified by other technologies like CSS and JavaScript. CSS is used to control presentation, formatting, and layout. JavaScript is used to control the behavior of different elements.
What is CSS with example?
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style and layout web pages — for example, to alter the font, color, size, and spacing of your content, split it into multiple columns, or add animations and other decorative features.
What can I do after CSS?
::after (:after) In CSS, ::after creates a pseudo-element that is the last child of the selected element. It is often used to add cosmetic content to an element with the content property. It is inline by default.
What is CSS in simple words?
CSS is the acronym of “Cascading Style Sheets”. CSS is a computer language for laying out and structuring web pages (HTML or XML). This language contains coding elements and is composed of these “cascading style sheets” which are equally called CSS files (.
How does a CSS file work?