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What are disadvantages of English language?

What are disadvantages of English language?

Here are some disadvantage of English language: The main disadvantage of learning English is that spelling of English words matter of memorization because various words that sound same but spelled differently. Many English words have same meaning, we often confused which word to use. Different Accent English accent m.

What are the advantages of English medium education?

One Common Language: Since there are multiple languages spoken in the country, education in English as a common language would help everyone to communicate better. All standardised tests are conducted in English over the nation.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of English language?

The ability to speak English provides more direct and accurate access to information on the web and enhances communication with other English speaking people on social networking sites. The main disadvantage of studying English is the difficulty often associated with learning it.

Why students are weak in English?

From both observation and interview, this study reveals that all students encountered various difficulties in English speaking ability. The prevalent problem faced by the students was ‘lack of vocabulary’, while ‘being afraid of making mistakes’ was the prime cause of problem which hindered them to speak.

What are disadvantages of public schools?

Public School Disadvantages Classes are geared toward a mid-learning level, which may cause more advanced students to lose interest. Access to learning materials and classroom technology is limited, and textbooks are often outdated and worn. Public schools also have more days off, which may challenge busy parents.

What are disadvantaged students?

Disadvantaged students are those whose family, social, or economic circumstances hinder their ability to learn at school.

Why English language is not important?

It is the only language which connects us to the rest of world. But one needs to study in ones mother tongue for the better understanding of subjects. When it comes to English, you need to master it to survive in this competitive world.

What are the disadvantages of English medium schools in India?

Even after getting the children admitted to English medium schools, a large proportion of Indian parents are not familiar with the language and feel helpless. They are unable to help or evaluate the progress of the child well. They have to rely on tuitions if the child is not able to cope or requires help.

Why is English considered the medium of Education?

English learning has gained a momentum considering its notable role and status worldwide; therefore, the widespread view is that the medium of education is to be English, as higher education in this era aims at preparing students for an international career.

What is an English medium school in India?

An English-medium education system is one that uses English as the primary medium of instruction—particularly where English is not the mother tongue of the students. English language had been introduced in India by Britishers. Now, knowing English has becomevital for the following reasons:

Do you think higher education should be in English?

As for the open-ended responses, deductive qualitative analyses were made. Overall, findings showed that 63 % of the students in the English language teaching department and 59.26 % of the students registered in other departments believe that the instruction at higher education needs to be conducted in English.