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What are examples of a microprocessor?

What are examples of a microprocessor?

Table: Important Intel Microprocessors

Microprocessor Year of Invention Remarks
4004 1971 First Microprocessor
8085 1976 Popular 8-bit Microprocessor
8086 1978 Widely used in PC/XT
80286 1982 Widely used in PC/AT

What is the best example of microprocessor?

Examples are:

  • MC68000 Motorola microprocessor.
  • Intel 8080.
  • INTEL 8085.
  • Motorola 6800 and 6801.

How does a microprocessor work in a fridge?

A temperature controlling method of a refrigerator by using a microprocessor includes the steps of: sampling digitized temperature values counted by an analog-to-digital converter according to a predetermined temperature range by a predetermined frequency by using the microprocessor; when the number (X’) of a …

Why do we need microprocessors?

Importance. A device that uses a microprocessor is normally capable of many functions, such as word processing, calculation, and communication via Internet or telephone. Therefore, a microprocessor would act as device’s “brain” in that it transmits, receives and interprets the data needed to operate a device.

Why is microprocessor important?

Is Intel a microprocessor?

Intel is the world’s largest manufacturer of PC microprocessors and the holder of the x86 processor architecture patent. A quick (and very incomplete) Intel PC processor history: Intel 4004, released in 1971, was one of the first microprocessors ever produced.

What is the most used microprocessor?

Types of Microprocessors

  • The most commonly used CPU in PCs are made by Intel.
  • 8088 – used in IBM PC.
  • Another manufacturer of microprocessors for the PC is AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.).
  • The Macintosh series of computers from Apple originally used the Motorola 68000 series of microprocessors.