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What are membrane-bound spaces for temporary storage in cells?

What are membrane-bound spaces for temporary storage in cells?

Vacuoles are membrane-bound spaces used for temporary storage of materials.

What is a membrane-bound sac that acts as a storage area?

Vesicles and vacuoles are membrane-bound sacs that function in storage and transport.

Which cell structures are membrane-bound?

The membrane may be a single layer or a double layer of lipids and typically with interspersed proteins. Examples of membrane-bound organelles are nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, plastids, lysosomes and vacuoles.

What is an organelle used as a temporary storage area?

What organelle acts as temporary storage for a cell? The vacuole is the cells storage facility.

What is temporary storage of materials in a cell?

Science Ch. 3 Cells

vacuole membrane-bound spaces for temporary storage of materials (water, waste products, food)
Golgi body organelles that package cellular materials and transport them with the cell or out of the cell

What organelle provides storage?

Cell Organelles

vacuole storage tank for the cell
chromosome made of DNA – directions all activities in the cell
golgi body sorts and packages things to be delivered – mailroom
lysosome pushes trash vacuoles out the cell, digests old cell parts, breaks food down into smaller pieces

Which is a small membrane bound sac that functions in storage and transport within a cell?

A vesicle is a small, membrane-bound sac that transports substances in cells. The ER moves proteins and other substances within eukaryotic cells.

Which organelle is the temporary storage center for the cell?

Cell Parts

Golgi Bodies serves as storage centers for secretory products for the cell, packages protiens
Mitochondria powerhouse of the cell
Vacuole temporary storage cavities for water, food, and enzymes
Centrioles structures used in reproduction (mitosis)

Which organelle is used as a temporary storage place for materials not needed at the moment?

Cells have spaces called vacuoles for temporary storage of materials. Vacuoles often store food, waste and enzymes needed by the cell. This is what the vacuoles look like.