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What are Perseus special tools?

What are Perseus special tools?

Aided by Hermes and Athena, Perseus pressed the Graiae, sisters of the Gorgons, into helping him by seizing the one eye and one tooth that the sisters shared and not returning them until they provided him with winged sandals (which enabled him to fly), the cap of Hades (which conferred invisibility), a curved sword, or …

What superhuman qualities does Perseus have?

Powers and Abilities

  • Weaknesses: Human Weaknesses.
  • Lifting Strength: Above Peak Human, Superhuman.
  • Striking Strength: Superhuman.
  • Speed: Peak Human.
  • Durability: Superhuman.
  • Destructive Capacity: Wall+ level.
  • Range: Extended melee range, several dozen meters with ranged weapons.
  • Stamina: Superhuman.

What powers does Perseus have in Clash of the Titans?

Perseus is the first non-god character to wield the Spear of Triam, tough he is a demigod. Perseus is one of the few characters to have survived a direct blow from Ares’ Hammer, the other been Agenor. Perseus is the only character that can use the Lightning Sword.

What was Perseus special weapon?

Lightning Sword
The Lightning Sword is the divine weapon of Perseus, he uses it to channel His lightning powers. The sword’s compacted form is a small cylinder/baton which only at the touch of Perseus will glow and transform into its true sword form.

Did Perseus have a special weapon?

Zeus gave him an adamantine sword (a Harpe) and Hades’s helm of darkness to hide. Hermes lent Perseus winged sandals to fly, and Athena gave him a polished shield. Perseus then proceeded to the Gorgons’ cave.

What strengths and weaknesses did Perseus have?

Perseus’s strengths are that he is intelligent, persuasive, courageous and a great fighter in battle. Although he has many strengths, his weakness is that he can lie or be misleading at times. Perseus, however, does not have any powers because he was not a full god. Instead, he had weapons that were given to him.

What is Perseus destiny?

With the intention of making peace with Acrisius, Perseus took Danae and Andromeda to Argos. When Perseus threw the discus, it accidentally hit an old man on the foo, killing him on the spot. As it should be evident by now, that old man was none other than Acrisius; thus, the prophecy was fulfilled.

What did Perseus do to the Gorgon Medusa?

Famously he killed the feared Gorgon Medusa, whose gaze could turn men to stone, a feat that followed quickly with the daring rescue of Princess Andromeda from a monstrous sea creature sent by Poseidon to terrorize the kingdom of Ethiopia.

What are the characteristics of the Greek god Perseus?

Characteristics. The main characteristics of Perseus are as follows: He was a Greek mythological demigod. He fell in love with Andromeda and asked for her as his wife. He was in charge of watching over the welfare of the good ones, for this reason he offered honor to the gods of the time.

What kind of weapons did Perseus and Hercules have?

When it comes to weapons and armor, both heroes also have powerful magic equipment. Perseus was granted a mirror-shield and the sword of Zeus, as well as winged sandals from Hermes, a sack to store Medusa’s head with, and a helmet of invisibility. As for Hercules?

Why was Perseus told to kill his grandfather?

They are considered leaders naturly so they have to protect everyone. They are born leaders. He was told to be the killer of his grandfather by oracle, and he did that by accedently throwing a discus in a sport festivel on the head of his grandfather. He, unlike many demigods, had a happy ending.