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What are some bad things Lennie has done?
Lennie makes several bad decisions throughout the course of the book. The guys have had to relocate because of a bad decision he made in Weed. Once on the ranch in their new jobs, he takes a puppy, which he promptly kills, and then breaks Curley’s wife’s neck.
What bad things did Lennie do Chapter 5?
Lennie differentiates at some level between the bad thing of killing the pup and the bad thing of killing Curley’s wife, as evidenced by his leaving for the bushes near the river when he realizes she is dead.
Is Lennie a good or bad person?
Lennie is neither a good person nor a bad person. He doesn’t understand right from wrong, but it’s not his fault. Like the other posters said, he is dangerous and he cannot be trusted, but he does have a childlike innocence.
What are four things George says he could do if Lennie wasn’t around?
What are four things George says he could do if Lennie wasn’t around? get a job, eat at any place, take his 50 dollars and go into town, and get a bottle of whiskey.
How was Lennie discriminated in Of Mice and Men?
One example of Lennie being discriminated against because of his mental disability takes place when Curley views him as an easy target and vents his rage by punching Lennie in the face. George even discriminates against Lennie by speaking to him disparagingly and admitting to playing cruel jokes on him in the past.
What are Lennie’s limitations?
The most obvious disadvantage Lennie suffers is his lack of mental and emotional development. In the opening chapter, Lennie is depicted as childlike and “slow”. Keeping a mouse in his pocket and accidentally killing it, we see that Lennie is, in a way, innocent and unable to predict the consequences of his actions.
Is Lennie violent?
Lennie is not a violent person. He does understand when he is getting hurt and he understands the fear of recrimination from George. Lennie doesn’t understand that the punishment for killing someone will be very serious. This shows that he is a child.
How would George make Lennie feel bad?
Lennie manipulates George and makes him feel bad when he started crying after George threw his dead mouse across the lake & and when Lennie tells George he’ll leave off into the woods after George yelled at him for asking for ketchup with his beans.
How does Lennie cause trouble for George?
What Lennie done to cause trouble in the town of Weed? Lennie grabbed a girl’s dress (because he liked the feel of the fabric) and refused to let go; he and George were chased out of town.
What happens when Lennie realizes that she is dead?
When Lennie realizes that she is dead, he panics and paws the hay to partially cover her. Hearing the horseshoe game outside, he understands that someone will come in sooner or later and discover the bad thing he has done. Immediately he remembers to hide in the brush until George comes.
Why did George not let Lennie tend the rabbits?
When Lennie shows her the dead puppy, she tells him it was just a mutt and no one will care, but Lennie explains that George won’t let him tend the rabbits because he did a bad thing again. Curley’s wife tells Lennie of her life and her missed opportunity to travel with the show that came through her hometown.
Why did George and Lennie leave their job in Weed?
Explain why George and Lennie had to leave their job in Weed. Lennie scared a girl by petting her dress because it fascinated him. When the girl tried to get away from him, he got scared and held onto the dress. The girl started yelling and charged him for rape. Nice work!
What happens to Lennie in of mice and men?
George considers what will happen to Lennie: They could lock Lennie up, but he’d starve, and people would be mean to him. Candy says they need to let Lennie get away because Curley will lynch him, but George realizes how hopeless escape would be.