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What are some famous Italian sayings?

What are some famous Italian sayings?


  1. A CAVAL DONATO NON SI GUARDA IN BOCCA [Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth]
  2. A BUON INTENDITOR, POCHE PAROLE [A word to the wise]
  3. CHI DORME NON PIGLIA PESCI [You snooze, you lose]
  4. IL LUPO PERDE IL PELO MA NON IL VIZIO [Old habits die hard]

What are some Italian phrases?

Basic Italian phrases

  • Yes – Si – See.
  • No – No – Noh.
  • Please – Per favore – Pehr fah-voh-reh.
  • Thank you – Grazie – Grah-tsee-eh.
  • You’re welcome – Prego – Preh-goh.
  • Cheers! ( To your health) – Salute! – Sah-loo-tay.
  • Excuse me (for attention) – Scusi – Skooh–zee.
  • Excuse me (to pass by) – Permesso – Pehr-mehs-soh.

What is an Italian word that means work?

The verb to work translates as lavorare in Italian.

Which does the Italian phrase Viva Italia !’ Mean in English?

Long live Italy! Literal: Live Italy!

What is the most Italian thing to say?

Basic Italian Phrases

  • Si. Yes.
  • No. No.
  • Per favore. Please.
  • Grazie. Thank you.
  • Prego. You’re welcome.
  • Mi scusi. Excuse me.
  • Mi dispiace. I am sorry.
  • Buon giorno. Good morning.

What is the Italian slogan?

Below the letters is the slogan: ‘Italy leaves its mark’. “We know that the image of a country must have something which is instantly recognizable, a graphic symbol which delivers a message. This is why we felt it was necessary to come up with a logo,” Prodi said at the presentation.

What are some cool Italian words?

19 of your favourite Italian words (and some of ours)

  • ALLORA: well, then, so. Let’s start with the obvious.
  • LUCCIOLA: firefly.
  • DIMENTICO: forgetful or oblivious.
  • SFOGARSI: to vent, unload.
  • PASSEGGIATA: stroll.
  • MASCALZONE: rascal, scoundrel.
  • SGONFIATO: deflated.
  • PARRUCCHIERE: hairdresser.

What is Italy’s slogan?

The Italian Republic does not have an official motto, but it does have a common phrase: “L’Italia e’ una Repubblica democratica, fondata sul lavoro” (Italy is a democratic Republic, founded on labor). St.

What is Lavor in English?

“lavor” in English volume_up. lavor {m} washtub.

How do you say okay in Italian?

okay? va bene?

What means Forza Italia?

Forza Italia (FI; translated to “Forward Italy” or “Let’s Go Italy”) was a centre-right political party in Italy with liberal-conservative, Christian-democratic, liberal, social-democratic and populist tendencies. Its leader was Silvio Berlusconi, who served as Prime Minister of Italy four times.