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What are some UI words?

What are some UI words?

Words That Contain UI

  • cuif.
  • duit.
  • etui.
  • guid.
  • huic.
  • pfui.
  • ptui.
  • quid.

Is UI a long U sound?

The letters ui are sometimes used to spell the long /oo/ sound. Fruit juice is good for your health.

What makes a long e?

At the end of an open syllable, e makes the long e sound (says its name) and this is the most common way of spelling the long e sound. Sometimes ee or ea are used at the end of a word (tea) so it’s not a rule that the long e sound at the end of a syllable is always spelled with just e.

What are the long U words?

Long ‘u’ Vowel Sound Words

Cube Tube Huge
Mule Tune Fuse
Excuse Confuse Refuse
Jute Route Acute
Pollute Evolute Tribute

Is UI short or long vowel?

Consider categorizing the words by the following spelling/sound patterns: the short ŭ words, the long ū (uCe) words, the long ū (ue) words, and the long ū (ui) words.

Is UI a short vowel sound?

Look out for “ui” words like juice. If you do, it’s a long vowel sound. …

Is Tea long e word?

Which is the correct spelling for the long vowel e?

Sometimes you need to add another letter to spell the long /ē/ sound. Use ee in the middle and sometimes on the end. The next most common spelling is ea. A few words have e-e. Most of these have more than one syllable. Use y on the end. Note: this is not a strong /ē/ sound.

Is the letter UI used to spell long oo?

The letters ui are sometimes used to spell the long /oo/ sound.

How many words have the letters UI in them?

Words That Contain “ui” – You Go Words! Word contains the letters “ui”. List of 1,032 words that contain “ui”. Add length, consonants, vowels, syllables, origin, spelling and more. View word search examples.

Which is the best spelling for the long oo sound?

Spelling choices for /oo/ sound: oo, ou The letters ui are sometimes used to spell the long /oo/ sound. Fruit juice is good for your health. We set off from Florida for a week’s cruise . I have a bruise on my knee. Jane has a new suit for her new job. Your suitcase is very heavy. She was a new recruit in the army.