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What are some verbs that mean deliver?

What are some verbs that mean deliver?

1 hand over, transfer, cede, yield. 4 communicate, announce, proclaim, publish. 7 emancipate, release. 8 redeem, rescue.

What is a antonym for deliverer?

Near Antonyms for deliver. abstain (from), eschew, forbear, forgo.

What is noun of deliver?

delivery. The act of conveying something. The item which has been conveyed. The act of giving birth.

What is the meaning of deliver a baby?

: the act or process of giving birth to a baby : parturition.

What does deliver on mean?

Definition of deliver on : to do what is required by (a promise or pledge) He failed to deliver on his promise.

What is another word for delivery man?

What is another word for delivery person?

carrier bearer
transferor delivery man
delivery woman delivery service
letter carrier mail carrier
shipping agent assistant

What are 2 verbs that mean deliver?

deliver ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

  • take something/someone to place.
  • give formal talk.
  • state a decision.
  • provide something promised.
  • provide a service.
  • provide votes/support.
  • provide computer program.
  • provide computer power.

What does can deliver mean?

: to produce the promised, desired, or expected results : come through can’t deliver on all these promises a hitter who can deliver in the clutch. deliver the goods. : to give results that are promised, expected, or desired.

What is a business delivery?

Business delivery means any delivery that is not a residential delivery. “Commercial delivery” means any delivery that is not a residential delivery.

What do you call a woman giving birth?

Childbirth. Other names. Labour and delivery, labor and delivery, partus, giving birth, parturition, birth, confinement.