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What are some words for cent?

What are some words for cent?

synonyms for cent

  • copper penny.
  • farthing.
  • hill of beans.
  • penny.

What is the meaning of the root word cent?

Centi- comes from the Latin centum, meaning “hundred.” The word cent, as in a hundredth of a dollar and also known as a penny, ultimately comes from this same Latin root, as does percent.

What are some words that start with DEC?

10-letter words that start with dec

  • decorative.
  • decoration.
  • decompress.
  • decelerate.
  • declassify.
  • decathlete.
  • decapitate.
  • declension.

Is cent a root or prefix?

The Latin root word “cent” which means “one hundred” and the prefix centi- which means “one-hundredth” are both important morphemes in the English language. Some examples of words that derive from both this word root and prefix include percent, cent, centiliter, and centigram.

What words have the root word bio?

biology: study of ‘life’

  • microbiology: study of very small ‘life’ forms.
  • amphibian: ‘life’ living in water and on land.
  • biography: a ‘life’ history.
  • symbiosis: two ‘life’ forms living together.
  • aerobic: pertaining to air for ‘life’ to exist.
  • anaerobic: lacking air for ‘life’ to exist.
  • What words have Neo in them?

    11 letter words containing neo

    • spontaneous.
    • homogeneous.
    • neonatology.
    • sanguineous.
    • neostigmine.
    • neorealists.
    • neorealisms.
    • neoplasties.

    What does Dec mean in English?

    Dec. is a written abbreviation for December.

    What is the root word dia?

    dia-, prefix. dia- comes from Greek, where it has the meanings “through, across, from point to point; completely. ” These meanings are found in such words as: diagnosis, dialogue, dialysis, diameter, diaphanous, diarrhea.

    What is the root word of DEC?

    -dec-, root. -dec- comes from Latin and Greek, where it has the meaning “ten. ” This meaning is found in such words as: decade, Decalogue, decathlon, decennial, decimal, decimate.

    What words have the word cent in them?

    The Latin root word “cent” which means “one hundred” and the prefix centi- which means “one-hundredth” are both important morphemes in the English language. Some examples of words that derive from both this word root and prefix include percent, cent, centiliter, and centigram.

    What words contain cent?

    18 letter words containing cent. anthropocentricity. haemoconcentration. pericardiocentesis. middelaldercentret. overconcentrations. overcentralization.

    Is cent a Latin root?

    Quick Summary. The Latin root word “cent” which means “one hundred” and the prefix centi- which means “one-hundredth” are both important morphemes in the English language. Some examples of words that derive from both this word root and prefix include per cent, cent, centi liter, and centi gram.