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What are the 10 Commandments of Muslim?

What are the 10 Commandments of Muslim?

Islamic Etiquette

  • Don’t lie (22:30)
  • Don’t spy (49:12)
  • Don’t exult (28:76)
  • Don’t insult (49:11)
  • Don’t waste (17:26)
  • Feed the poor (22:36)
  • Don’t backbite (49:12)
  • Keep your oaths (5:89)

What are the 5 basic beliefs of the Muslim religion?

There are five pillars – or basic tenets – of the Islamic faith. These are professing one’s faith; praying five times a day; giving zakat, or donating a certain portion of one’s wealth; fasting during Ramadan; and making a pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Each of these pillars is an important part of being Muslim.

Did you know facts about Muslims?

To that end, here are some interesting facts about Islam!

  • Muslims only worship Allah.
  • 2. ‘
  • Islam is the 2nd largest religion in the world.
  • ‘Muslim’ actually means ‘anyone or anything that surrenders itself to the will of God.
  • Algebra, from the Arabic word al-jabr, originated in the Islamic world.
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What is an interesting fact about Ramadan?

Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. It lasts for 29 to 30 days, which is roughly one month. Ramadan happens during the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. The Islamic calendar is based on the cycle of the moon so the dates of Ramadan change every year.

What are the most important facts about Islam?

Below you will read “10 Facts About Islam” in detial. Al- Islam or Islam is the religion which brings peace to mankind when man commits himself to God and submits himself to his will.

How many Muslims are there in the world?

There are many countries in the world like Iraq, Iran, Indonesia, Bangladesh, UAE, and Russia with Muslim population dominating the nation with as much as 99% in some countries. The statistics say that there are about 1.2 billion Islam followers in the world. Islam is a religion that is complete in every sense.

What makes a person a Muslim in Islam?

A ‘ Muslim ’ is one who resigns himself to God and thereby professes the faith of al-Islam. A Muslim therefore believes in all the prophets and makes no distinction between one and the other.

Is it true that Islam is a religion?

Islam is not a religion in the common, distorted meaning of the word, confining its scope to the private life of man. It is a complete way of life, catering for all the fields of human existence.