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What are the 3 main factors that determine climate change?

What are the 3 main factors that determine climate change?

The most important natural factors are:

  • distance from the sea.
  • ocean currents.
  • direction of prevailing winds.
  • shape of the land (known as ‘relief’ or ‘topography’)
  • distance from the equator.
  • the El Niño phenomenon.

What are 3 main factors that determine Earth’s climate quizlet?

What are the three factors that affect temperature? latitude, altitude, distance from oceans and lakes. Earth’s surface is divided into three temperature zones. area near the equator that has warm climate since it receives direct sunlight all year.

What are the main factors that determine Earth’s climate?

The two most important factors in the climate of an area are temperature and precipitation. The yearly average temperature of the area is obviously important, but the yearly range in temperature is also important.

What are 3 factors that influence the heating of Earth’s atmosphere?

Three factors that influence the heating of the Earth’s atmosphere by the sun….Terms in this set (65)

  • Cellular respiration of plants/animals.
  • Decomposers release carbon during decay process.
  • Fire releases carbon back into the air.
  • Magma/lava.

What are Earth’s 3 main climate zones?

The Earth has three main climate zones: tropical, temperate, and polar. The climate region near the equator with warm air masses is known as tropical. In the tropical zone, the average temperature in the coldest month is 18 °C.

What are three main factors that determine the climatic types of the United States quizlet?

These factors include latitude, atmospheric circulation patterns, oceanic circulation patterns, the local geography of an area, solar activity, and volcanic activity. Latitude is the most important determining factor of climate. 3.

What are 3 major factors that determine how air circulates in the lower atmosphere?

The three major factors that determine how air circulates in the lower atmosphere are uneven heating of the earth’s surface by the sun, rotation of the earth on it’s axis, and the properties of air, water, and land. First, the sun warms the tropics more that the polar regions because of where it directly hits.

What 2 factors are used to classify regions and climates?

Scientists classify climates according to two major factors: temperature and precipitation. The Köppen system identifies broad climate regions.

What are the three factors that affect the climate of a planet?

Three factors There are three main factors deciding the climate of a planet: Solar input. The total solar influx, depending on distance from the sun, angle of the planet’s axis and solar activity Albedo – or reflections of solar rays from the Earth and back into space Chemical composition of the atmosphere

How is the climate of the Earth determined?

Climate systems are caused by all the interactions between the atmosphere, the ocean, the cryosphere, the lithosphere and the Earth’s biosphere, which under the influence of solar radiation determines the climate of the planet. The energy received is absorbed differently by the various components.

What is the most important factors in determining climate?

The two most important factors in the climate of an area are temperature and precipitation. The yearly average temperature of the area is obviously important, but the yearly range in temperature is also important.

Which is the most important component of the climate system?

The atmospheric component of the climate system most obviously characterises climate; climate is often defined as ‘average weather’. Climate is usually described in terms of the mean and variability of temperature, precipitation and wind over a period of time, ranging from months to millions of years (the classical period is 30 years).