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What are the advantages of Clifford Constitution?

What are the advantages of Clifford Constitution?

(i) The constitution introduced elective principles which for the first time allowed Nigerians to elect their representatives to the legislative council. (ii) It paved the way for the political parties in Nigeria. (iii) More Africans were allowed into the legislative council.

What are the weaknesses of Clifford Constitution?


  • Limited representation of Africans in the legislative council.
  • Membership was non-elective and therefore undemocratic.
  • There were no Africans in the executive council.
  • Members of the Legislative council were not accountable to the people, but to the Governor.

What is Clifford’s constitution?

The 1922 constitution of Nigeria is generally known as the Clifford Constitution because it was drafted by Sir. Hugh Clifford. Clifford constitution created a new legislative executive and legislative council when he assumed power. The constitution also introduced an elective principle for the first time in Nigeria.

What are the features of Clifford Constitution of 1992?

FEATURES OF THE CLIFFORD CONSTITUTION The introduction of elective principle. It encouraged the development of political parties. Members in the legislative council were increased (46 members). Elective principle was restricted to Lagos and Calabar.

What are the disadvantages of Richard constitution?


  • Regional Assemblies merely acted as advisory and consultative bodies.
  • Impression of unofficial majority in the council was false because majority were chiefs or government nominees.
  • Constitution was arbitrarily imposed, thus, undemocratic.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online Internet media?

For many businesses, however, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

  • Advantage: Your Customers Are on the Internet.
  • Advantage: You Can Target Effectively.
  • Advantage: You Can Closely Monitor Spending.
  • Advantage: You Can Track Your Results.
  • Disadvantage: It’s Complicated.
  • Disadvantage: Mistakes Can Be Costly.

What are the demerit of Clifford Constitution of 1922?

Demerits of 1922 Clifford Constitution Northern Nigeria was not represented in the new Legislative council as it comprised members from the south alone. A large percentage of Nigerians were disenfranchised by the limitation of franchise to Lagos and Calabar. The exclusion of Africans from the Executive Council.

What were the achievement of the Clifford constitution of 1922?

The Clifford Constitution of 1922 disposed the Nigerian Council of Lord Lugard (1914) and set up a new legislative council for the Southern Protectorate. The membership of the Clifford legislative council was 46. Twenty- seven out of the 46 members were officials while 19 were unofficial members.

What is Richard constitution?

Features of Richard Constitution of 1946 (i) It provided for a legislative council that consisted of 44 members. (iv) The constitution provided for the bicameral legislature in the Northern region – The Regional Assembly and the House of Chiefs. (v) It introduced regionalism in Nigeria.

What is the disadvantage of Internet?

1) Hacking is the most common disadvantage of the internet. 2) Personal information in social media is very much vulnerable to hackers. 3) Virus threats on the internet can damage your data and information. 4) Too much addiction to internet leads to time wastage, affecting our productivity and health.