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What are the baby animal names?

What are the baby animal names?

Interesting Vocabulary: Special Names: Baby Animals

adult animal baby animal
cat kitten*
cow, elk, moose, elephant, reindeer, whale calf
deer fawn
dog, fox, wolf, otter, seal, walrus mouse, rat pup*

What are the babies called?

From birth until 3 months of age, a baby can be called a newborn. Depending on how many weeks gestation at birth, newborns may be called premature, post-mature, or full term. The word infant comes from Latin: infans means “unable to speak”.

What’s a baby crocodile called?

Hatchlings: Baby crocodiles and alligators Juveniles: Young crocodiles and alligators Adults: Older crocodiles and alligators Hatch: when baby crocodiles first come out of their egg Mature: When a crocodile is old enough to reproduce.

What baby animal is called a pinkie?

mouse (also called kitten or pinkie) otter (also called whelp) prairie dog. rat (also called kitten or pinkie)

What called Giraffe baby?

A baby giraffe is called a calf. Also note, that while people often refer to a tower of giraffe or a journey of giraffe (when they are walking), scientifically, we call it a herd of giraffe.

What are baby swans called?

A male swan is called a Cob. The female is called a Pen and the young of the year are called cygnets (pronounced ‘sig-nets’).

What do you call a baby shark?

We call baby sharks pups. Some sharks give birth to live pups and others lay eggs, much like a chicken!

What is giraffe baby called?

What’s a baby rabbit called?

Newborn hares, called leverets, are fully developed at birth—furred with open eyes—while newborn rabbits, called kittens or kits, are born undeveloped, with closed eyes, no fur, and an inability to regulate their own temperature, Stott said.

What’s a baby dolphin called?

Although they’re commonly referred to as “cuties” by all who adore them, baby bottlenose dolphins are actually called “calves.” Male dolphins are called “bulls,” females are called “cows,” and a group is a “pod.”

What do you call a baby hippo?

Baby hippos are called calf (in plural calves). Mother hippos are very protective of their calves. Weaning occurs between 6 months and one year after…

What’s a male swan called?

What are male, female, and young swans called? A male swan is called a Cob. The female is called a Pen and the young of the year are called cygnets (pronounced ‘sig-nets’).