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What are the causes of rock slide?

What are the causes of rock slide?

High precipitation, natural erosion, temperature variations or extreme stresses such as earthquakes can trigger rock slides or rock flows. When infrastructure and buildings are hit, the results are often catastrophic.

How fast is a rock slide?

A typical landslide travels at 10 miler per hour, but can exceed 35 miles per hour.

How does rock and debris slide occur?

A rockslide is a type of landslide caused by rock failure in which part of the bedding plane of failure passes through compacted rock and material collapses en masse and not in individual blocks. The rocks tumble downhill, loosening other rocks on their way and smashing everything in their path.

What is the meaning of rock slide?

1 : a usually rapid downward movement of rock fragments that slide over an inclined surface. 2 : a rock mass moved by a rockslide — compare rockfall.

What are the usual conditions that rock falls and rock slides can happen?

The main factors that can reduce the stability of a rock mass and lead to its failure are: the presence of water, the presence of ice, earthquakes and other vibrations, erosion or excavation at the foot of a slope, overloading.

Why do rocks slide down a slope?

When the component of gravity parallel to the slope becomes greater than the resistance, or friction, holding the objects on the slope in place, the objects become unstable and then slide or flow down the slope.

How do you control Rock Falls?

Stabilizing Slopes To Prevent Rockfalls And Rock Avalanches Approaches might include: Removal of potentially hazardous material through scaling, blast scaling or trim blasting, as well as re-sloping the area to change its geometry.

What is rock fall protection?

Therefore, rockfall protection is a key element in the security and safety of railway track. The main function of rockfall protection is to prevent and control rocks and debris from falling. The netting mesh literally “drapes” over the rock slope so that falling debris is contained behind the rockfall netting.

How are mudflows caused?

Mudflows can be caused by unusually heavy rains or a sudden thaw. They consist mainly of mud and water plus fragments of rock and other debris, so they often behave like floods. They can move houses off their foundations or bury a place within minutes because of incredibly strong currents.

How do rock falls occur?

Rockfalls typically occur in rock cut slopes when rock blocks become dislodged by weather, flowing water, or due to the surrounding rocks and soil being eroded. Because of the irregular, unpredictable nature of rock joints and weathering patterns, rockfalls cannot be precisely predicted.