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What are the characteristics of lava?
The temperatures of molten lava range from about 700 to 1,200 °C (1,300 to 2,200 °F). The material can be very fluid, flowing almost like syrup, or it can be extremely stiff, scarcely flowing at all. The higher the lava’s silica content, the higher its viscosity.
What are the differences between an aa lava and pahoehoe lava?
Pahoehoe is lava that in solidified form is characterized by a smooth, billowy, or ropy surface, while aa is lava that has a rough, jagged, spiny, and generally clinkery surface. In thick aa flows, the rubbly surface of loose clinkers and blocks hides a massive, relatively dense interior.
What are the different types of lava?
Lavas, particularly basaltic ones, come in two primary types: pahoehoe (pronounced ‘paw-hoey-hoey”) and aa (pronounced “ah-ah”). Both names, like a number of volcanological terms, are of Hawaiian origin. A third type, pillow lava, forms during submarine eruptions.
What is the characteristic of lava for this type of volcano?
Shield volcanoes have the following characteristics: basic lava, which is non-acidic and very runny. gentle sides as the lava flows for long distances before it solidifies. no layers, as the volcano just consists of lava.
What are the characteristics of andesitic magma?
Andesitic magma erupts explosively because.
What are the three main types of lava and how are they different?
Lava is molten rock, formerly magma (once still inside the earth), that flows on the surface of the earth. There are 3 main types of lava and they are pahoehoe, a’a, and pillow lava.
Which of the following would be a characteristic of Pahoehoe lava?
Pahoehoe lava flows are characterized by smooth, gently undulating, or broadly hummocky surfaces. The liquid lava flowing beneath a thin, still-plastic crust drags and wrinkles it into tapestry-like folds and rolls resembling twisted rope.
What are the four types of lava flow?
The most common way to divide lava flows into distinct types is following: Pahoehoe lava flow, Aa lava flow, Blocky lava flow, and also Pillow lava flow.
What are the four types of lava?
Lava flows -Block lava flows. This category receives this name because these types of lava look like blocks. It is due to its composition, which is more acidic than normal. -Aa flows. These types of lava are related to the previous category, up to the point that some classifications unify these two groups in one. -Pāhoehoe flow. These types of lava have a basaltic composition and are capable of covering long distances. Its name comes from Hawaiian too, and it means “soft”.
What are the 4 types of mafic lava?
There are four basic types of lava (and their names, not surprisingly, correspond with the names of the major magma types): Basaltic, Andesitic, Dacitic and Rhyolitic (the last two being the names of the major Felsic magmas). The type of lava will determine both the explosiveness of its entry to the surface (force of eruption) and its flow.
What are the 4 general types of volcanoes?
4 Different Types of Volcanoes According to Shape Cinder Cone, AKA Scoria Cone. One of the most common types of volcanoes is the cinder cone. Shield Volcanoes. Another type of volcano is the shield volcano. Composite Volcanoes. Composite volcanoes are also known as strato volcanoes. Lava Dome Volcano. Lava domes are the fourth type of volcano that we are going to discuss.
What are the 4 parts of volcano?
Magma. When rocks become so hot,they can become a substance called magma.