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What are the current Poptropica Islands?

What are the current Poptropica Islands?

So far there are forty-five islands released on Poptropica and over 500,000,000 Poptropicans….Islands.

2007 Early Poptropica Island | Shark Tooth Island
2016 Monkey Wrench Island
2017 Crisis Caverns Island | 24 Carrot Island (Remastered)
2018 Greek Sea Odyssey
2019 Snagglemast Island | Reality TV: Wild Safari Island

How do you beat the dragon in Poptropica Astro Knights?

To kill the Dragotank, you need to get behind it, avoid the giant spiked ball, jump onto his body and pull the lever. This will cause the Dragotank to open it’s mouth in pain. You must then quickly shoot the Ice Arrow in its mouth.

What happens on Astro Knights Island in Poptropica?

Welcome to Astro-Knights Island. This is home to the peaceful town of Arturus – except that the peaceful town is no longer peaceful. After some tragic events with a dark sorcerer, Mordred, the town has fallen to ruins and the princess has been abducted to the far reaches of outer space.

How to get back to space in Astro Knights Island?

Thou must assemble a space vessel and fly among the stars on an intergalactic quest to rescue her and save the kingdom of Arturus in the online virtual world, Astro-Knights Island. For walkthroughs on Astro-Knights Island, scroll down. Tip: Trying to get back to space? Look for your spaceship on top of the castle.

How do you get book Slip in Astro Knights?

Talk to him to obtain a Museum Pamphlet. Go to your items and select Use on the Golden Coin. Now click on the books to the right of the museum keeper. He doesn’t want you touching them, but he’ll let you have a Library Book Slip instead. As unexciting as it may seem, the book slip is a clue to a hidden dungeon.

How do you use hovercraft in Astro Knights?

Open your items and select “Use” on the Bag of Manure. Once that’s done, the hovercraft will fly out the roof and park itself a little above the mud outside. Climb up the haystacks and exit the mill. Once outside, head left and go past the man with the shovel and go left and left again until you reach the castle.