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What are the functions of the stems?

What are the functions of the stems?

The primary functions of the stem are to support the leaves; to conduct water and minerals to the leaves, where they can be converted into usable products by photosynthesis; and to transport these products from the leaves to other parts of the plant, including the roots.

What are the functions of stem class 6?

A stem performs the following functions in a plant: (i) It supports branches, leaves, flowers, and fruits. (ii) It transports water and minerals from the roots to the leaves and other parts of plants. (iii) It transports food from leaves to different parts of the plant.

What is the function of a root stem leaf and flower?

The roots absorb water and minerals from the soil and anchor the plant in the ground. The stem supports the plant above ground, and carries the water and minerals to the leaves. The leaves collect energy from the Sun and make food for the plant, using an amazing process called photosynthesis.

What is the function of stem kids?

Stems have four main functions which are: Support for leaves, flowers and fruits. The stems keep the leaves in the light and provide a place for the plant to keep its flowers and fruits. Transport of fluids between the roots and the upper parts in the xylem and phloem.

What two things does the stem do for the plant?

Support for and the elevation of leaves,flowers and fruits. The stems keep the leaves in the light and provide a place for the plant to keep its flowers and

  • Transport of fluids between the roots and the shoots in the xylem and phloem (see below)
  • Storage of nutrients
  • Production of new living tissue.
  • What is a specialized function of a stem?

    Stem cells, therefore, function to maintain cell homeostasis in the body. Although matured, specialized cells also divide to maintain this cell balance, and are particularly important during damage and injuries to various cells.

    What does a stem do for a plant?

    Stem, in botany , the plant axis that bears buds and shoots with leaves and, at its basal end, roots. The stem conducts water, minerals, and food to other parts of the plant; it may also store food, and green stems themselves produce food.

    What are the jobs of the stem of a plant?

    Key Points Most stems are found above ground, but some of them grow underground. Stems can be either unbranched or highly branched; they may be herbaceous or woody. Stems connect the roots to the leaves, helping to transport water, minerals, and sugars to different parts of the plant.