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What are the largest areas of water called?

What are the largest areas of water called?

Riding the Waves Near Big Sur. A surfer rides a wave in the Pacific Ocean near Big Sur, California. Oceans cover more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, making them the biggest part of the hydrosphere. The hydrosphere is simply the total of all the water in Earth’s atmosphere.

How large is Lake Erie?

9,940 mi²
Lake Erie/Area

What is a large area of level ground called?

1. plain: broad area of fairly level land that is generally close to sea level. 2. plateau: large area of high, flat, or gently rolling land.

Which is the name of a small body of water?

Phytolelma – a small body of water housed in a cavity in plats (hence the prefix phyto) Puddle – small area of water, typically caused by water on the ground. Fun to jump in Rill – a very shallow channel of water caused by erosion.

How to describe a large area of water?

General words for areas of water – thesaurus. 1 body of water. phrase. a large area of water. 2 channel. 3 field. noun. a large area of land or water where something is found. 4 field. noun. a large area of land or water covered in a particular substance. 5 ground.

Where can I find information about animals that start with an e?

If you want more information about any of these animals that start with an e, simply highlight the name in the list and right click it in your browser. Then choose “Search with Google” and you’re good to go! Some of my favorite info resources are the IUCN Redlist, Arkive, Fishbase, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Encyclopedia of Life, & One Zoom.

Are there any amphibians that start with an e?

Amphibians: 35 Animals That Start With An E. Eft (terrestrial stage of a Newt) Eastern banjo frog. Eastern Crested Toad. Eastern Dwarf Treefrog. Eastern Ghost Frog. Eastern Hellbender. Eastern Leopard Toad.