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What are the ocean depth levels?

What are the ocean depth levels?

The ocean is divided into five zones: the epipelagic zone, or upper open ocean (surface to 650 feet deep); the mesopelagic zone, or middle open ocean (650-3,300 feet deep); the bathypelagic zone, or lower open ocean (3,300-13,000 feet deep); the abyssopelagic zone, or abyss (13,000-20,000 feet deep); and the …

What is average depth of Pacific Ocean?

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean basin on Earth, covering more than 155 million square kilometers (60 million square miles) and averaging a depth of 4,000 meters (13,000 feet).

How Deep Is Atlantic ocean average?

11,962 feet
It has an average depth (with its seas) of 11,962 feet (3,646 metres) and a maximum depth of 27,493 feet (8,380 metres) in the Puerto Rico Trench, north of the island of Puerto Rico.

What lives in the middle of the ocean?

Pelagic fish live in the pelagic zone of ocean or lake waters – being neither close to the bottom nor near the shore – in contrast with demersal fish that do live on or near the bottom, and reef fish that are associated with coral reefs….Forage fish.

predator tuna billfish shark
forage herring sardine anchovy menhaden

Could there be deeper than Mariana Trench?

Originally Answered: Is there a place deeper than the Mariana Trench? Yes, but you can’t go there. It’s only 9 inches wide. It’s the Kola Superdeep Borehole, 12,262 meters deep, around 1300m deeper than the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench.

Which is the roughest ocean?

The Stormiest Seas In The World

  • Bay of Biscay.
  • Cook Strait, between North & South Islands of New Zealand.
  • Drake Passage, Southern tip of South America.
  • Irminger Sea, between southern Greenland & Iceland.
  • Maracaibo Lake, Venezuela.
  • Port George lV, Western Australia.
  • South China Sea.
  • Southern Ocean.

What is the average depth of the sea in meters?

The average depth of the ocean is about 12,100 feet (3,688 m). The lowest ocean depth on Earth is called the Challenger Deep and is located beneath the western Pacific Ocean in the southern end of the Mariana Trench.

What is the average depth of the ocean floor?

Contrary to popular belief, most of the sea floor, known as the “open ocean”, is not really a habitat for animals, just a place they pass by on the way to somewhere else. In most of the world, the ocean floor is very deep, averaging 3,790 meters (12,430 ft) in depth. Nearly half of the world’s sea floors are over 3,000 meters (9,800 ft) deep.

What is approximately the depth of the ocean?

The Earth’s oceans range in depth from the surface to more than 36,000 feet deep. The average depth clocks in at just over 2 miles, or about 12,100 feet. The deepest known point is nearly 7 miles below the surface. Deepest Point in the World’s Oceans