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What are the organic and inorganic components of bones?

What are the organic and inorganic components of bones?

Organic part of bone is a protein Ossein and Collagen fibres. Inorganic part of bone is mainly Calcium Phosphate. The inorganic mineral is responsible for its hardness.

What is the difference between organic materials and inorganic materials?

Organic compounds and inorganic compounds form the basis of chemistry. The primary difference between organic vs. inorganic compounds is that organic compounds always contain carbon while most inorganic compounds do not contain carbon. Also, nearly all organic compounds contain carbon-hydrogen or C-H bonds.

What is inorganic and organic matrix of bone and how do each of these matrices help to strengthen bones?

The inorganic matrix gives the rigidity and hardness to bone and is composed of a combination of calcium and phosphorus salts called hydroxyapatite. The organic collagen fibers give a bone its tensile strength and resistance to stress.

What does the inorganic matrix of bone contain?

Bone matrix (also known as osteoid) consists of about 33% organic matter (mostly Type I collagen) and 67% inorganic matter (calcium phosphate, mostly hydroxyapatite crystals).

What is inorganic bone?

Bone is a composite material consisting of both inorganic and organic components [1,2,12]. The inorganic component is primarily crystalline hydroxyapatite: [Ca3(PO4)2]3Ca(OH)2. The organic component of bone comprises more than 30 proteins with type I collagen being the most abundant (>90%) [1,2,12].

What is the main difference between organic and inorganic?

The primary difference that lies between these organic compounds and inorganic compounds is that organic compounds always have a carbon atom while most of the inorganic compounds do not contain the carbon atom in them. Almost all the organic compounds contain the carbon-hydrogen or a simple C-H bond in them.

What’s the difference between organic and inorganic?

Organic foods are food items produced using processes without synthetics such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Inorganic foods, on the other hand, use synthetics to produce the finished food products.

Why are both organic and inorganic materials required for bone tissue to function normally?

Both are required for bone tissue to function because both work together to make the bone strong. If only the inorganic matrix was intact then the bone would be brittle and shatter.

What is the function of inorganic matrix in bone?

Bone, a calcified tissue composed of 60% inorganic component (hydroxyapatite), 10% water and 30% organic component (proteins), has three functions: providing mechanical support for locomotion, protecting vital organs, and regulating mineral homeostasis.

What is organic component of bone?

Collagen, a ropelike, fibrous protein, is the major organic component of bone. Like rope, collagen has significant mechanical strength under tension. Therefore, collagen provides tensile strength to the bones.

What is the difference between the organic and inorganic matrix in bone?

The organic component of the bone matrix helps resist tension whereas the inorganic component helps resist compression. Additionally, what properties does hydroxyapatite give to bone matrix?

What’s the difference between organic and inorganic matter?

Ranoel G. Dagang BSME – 3F The Difference between organic and inorganic materials The main difference between organic and inorganic matter is organic compounds contain carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds, while most inorganic compounds do not contain carbon. Organic compounds are produced by and are associated with living organisms.

Which is an example of an inorganic material?

Pure water, air, minerals and metals are a few examples of inorganic matter. Organic materials Include wood, paper, textiles and animal parts. Organic materials are any type of materials that are found in nature or are made out of items that are found in nature. Organic materials are composed solely of organic compounds.

What kind of material are bones made of?

Bones consist of living cells embedded in a mineralized organic matrix. This matrix consists of organic components, mainly type I collagen – “organic” referring to materials produced as a result of the human body – and inorganic components, primarily hydroxyapatite and other salts of calcium and phosphate.