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What are the parts of a suit of armor called?

What are the parts of a suit of armor called?

Arm and Leg Armor

  • Rerebrace. (REER-brase) — Armor shielding of the upper arm.
  • Couter. (COW-ter) — Armored elbow guards.
  • Vambrace. — Forearm shielding.
  • Gauntlet. — Armored glove.
  • Cuisse. (KWIS) — Armor of the thigh.
  • Poleyn. (PO-lane) — Cup-shaped armor knee-guards, often equipped with fan-plates.
  • Fan-plates.
  • Greave.

What is the parts of a knight’s armor?

Legs – There are 2 types of protection: the lower legs, which were protected by greaves (metal shin guards), and the upper legs which were protected by poleyns (bendable pieces) and cuisses. Arms – vambraces were designed to protect the Knights arms, and the gauntlets to protect the hands and wrists.

What are the legs of armor called?

Chausses (/ˈʃoʊs/; French: [ʃos]) are armour for the legs, usually made from mail. They could extend to the knee or cover the entire leg. Chausses were the standard type of metal leg armour in Europe from the 11th to the 14th century.

What is the chest piece of armour called?

The use of the term “cuirass” generally refers to both the chest plate (or breastplate) and the back piece together. Whereas a chest plate only protects the front and a back plate only protects the back, a cuirass protects both the front and the back.

What is thigh armor?

We have full leg armour that protects the entire leg from the thigh or upper leg, knees and lower leg area. Functional greaves are designed to protect the lower leg and they come in pairs. Functional Cuisse or thigh armour protects the upper part of the leg.

What is the skirt part of armour called?

Faulds are pieces of plate armour worn below a breastplate to protect the waist and hips, which began to appear in Western Europe from about 1370. They consist of overlapping horizontal lames of metal, articulated for flexibility, that form an apron-like skirt in front.

What is a knights armor called?

There were two main kinds of armor: chain mail and plate armor. Chain mail was made from thousands of metal rings. The typical chain mail armor was a long cloak called a hauberk. Knights wore a padded cloak underneath the armor to help them carry the weight of the armor.

What is the arm part of armor called?

Vambraces (French: avant-bras, sometimes known as lower cannons in the Middle Ages) or forearm guards are tubular or gutter defences for the forearm worn as part of a suit of plate armour that were often connected to gauntlets.

What are Greaves armor?

In ancient times, a warrior or knight’s armor included greaves that protected the lower legs. Greaves were made of metal and lined with a soft felt padding. Ancient Greek and Roman soldiers wore greaves, and they’re mentioned in ancient literature, including Homer’s Iliad.

What is groin armor called?

In fashion or armour, it is a codpiece.

What are the parts of a suit of armor?

A suit of armor is composed of the following parts: The cuirass, covering the whole figure, chest and back. The epaulieres, guards for the shoulders. The brassarts, or arm-guards.

What does the name armor mean?

Armour Name Meaning Scottish and northern Irish: from Middle English, Old French armure, blended with the agent noun armer (see Armer), hence an occupational name for a maker of arms and armor. The collective noun armure denoted offensive weapons as well as the more recently specialized sense of protective gear.

What are the parts of knights armor?

The parts of this knight armor included a complex and intricate series of items such as the chain mail, garments, and the iron plate. During the period of the middle ages, knights commonly utilized heavy armor made from metal and there were two primary types of knight armour: the plate armor and the chain mail.

What is a suit of armor?

suit of armor(Noun) A collection of garments, usually made of metal, worn over the body for protection in battle from weapons.